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All About Addiction Puzzle

Hillary Siedler

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recovery The goal of addiction treatment
ugly A set of maladaptive, compulsive behaviors learned by family members in order to survive in a family which is experiencing great emotional pain and stress
treatment What you are getting when you are learning how to stay sober.
lie Episodes of memory loss as a result of excessive drug or alcohol use
sobriety The thing that reminds you how bad you want to use
me When you have a mental health and a substance abuse diagnosis.
formication Vivid visual memories of your past
denial tetra-hydro-cannibol
depression Likely to spend time in this fine establishment if you keep using.
withdrawal The process by which an individual who is physically dependent on a substance is withdrawn from it.
alcoholicsanonymous Much more likely to be involved with these people if you are actively using.
peerpressure When you want to quit but can not, you are _______ .
relapse The disorder that come from children being born to mothers who drank while pregnant
marijuana Related to your higher power - plays a very important role in recovery.
flashbacks Symptom when coming off of methamphetamines that insects are crawling on you (warning this is a hard one).
STD Desire to use
genetic Mental health diagnosis that often goes along with addiction
enabling Its hard to keep one of these when you spend a lot of time high.
stupid When you don't think you have a problem -defense mechanism
anger One we we loose family trust
alcohol What its called when an addicted person's family and friends gather together to confront the addicted person.
dependent Why some people use drugs or alcohol: to avoid _____.
disease Compulsive and often uncontrollable craving, seeking, and use of a drug.
codependency Leading cause of relapse.
craving Drinking while pregnant can cause these.
triggers When you are not physically dependent but you are engaging in regular drug _______ .
police Alcoholism is considered this because it gets worse, its treatable, if left untreated you will die.
job Symptoms that come when some one stops using a drug or alcohol after using a lot for a long time.
drugtest How you look after years of drug or alcohol use.
fetalalcoholsyndrome Likely to loose a lot of this if you keep using.
abuse Type of 12 step meeting
addiction The process of learning to cope with feelings on a daily basis free from mind changing chemicals.
addicted How people act when they are high.
spirituality What some people in recovery have a hard time earning after years of addiction.
trust Leading cause of death in emergency rooms
paranoid what its called when friends try to get you to use with them
blackout What you are when you can't quit because your body is physically ______.
dualdiagnosis You are at a lot higher risk for catching this when you are drunk or high.
detox The person I hurt most when I use drugs or alcohol.
intervention What you will be randomly given by your probation officer if you are arrested for drug use or paraphenalia.
jail Falling off the wagon
birthdefects What happens to crack users who have been using all night long. The get _________ .
pain Tendency for addiction to occur in the same family
money When one person aids another person's use

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