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Crossword Puzzle of Greek Mythology

James Tatum

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Odyssey This god is the embodiment of alcoholic pleasures.
Hades This god forges weapons for the immortals.
Achilles This god releashed his wrath through whirlpools and tsunamis.
Golden Fleece This god drives a chariot of fire around the Earth.
Agamemnon This is Homer's epic poem about Odysseus's adventures.
Hercules This god was supreme when it came to the craft of war.
Apollo This goddess is known for her "green thumb" and her daughter Persephone.
Hector This god is known as the Lord of the Dead.
Ares This goddess is the twin sister of Apollo
Artemis This three-headed hell hound guards the gates of the Underworld.
Odysseus This goddess uses her powers of lust and romance to attrac men.
Dionysus This god hurled lightning bolts at his enemies.
Paris This monster creates maelstroms every time it opens it's mouth.
Circe This sorceress tortured men by turning them into animals.
Zeus This warrior and prince fell at the hands of Achilles.
Hephaestus This boatman carried the dead across the river Styx in the Underworld.
Scylla This god is the Messeneger of the Gods.
Demeter This goddess is often jealous of her husbands affairs.
Hera This cowardly prince stole the wife of Menelaus.
Cerberus This commander lead his brother Menelaus into battle during the Trojan War.
Menelaus This six-headed behemoth is located near Charybdis.
Illiad The female was the prize of the Trojan War.
Aphrodite This goddess inspired men to battle and use their wisdom to overcome adversity.
Poseidon This hero was known for his strength.
Helen This hideous women, had snakes in the place of hair.
Athena This warrior was only stopped by the weakness of his heel.
Charybdis This is Homer's epic poem about the Trojan War.
Charon This leader had his wife stolen from him.
Hermes This hero used his own intelligence rather than relying on brawn.
Medusa This wool has mystical powers.

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