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Ancient Greek

Elaine Geremia

Vocabulary terms of ancient Greek

Sinus Greek tunic with many variations
Caesar Bride’s proof of housewife skills
Vitta Purple bands on Roman dress to show powerful status
Clavi Working man’s chiton
Perizoma Roman Empire dictator
Exomis Another name for hair arranged in a bun
Doric Archaic Period chiton with long, close- fitted fabric and a top edge over fold
Ionic Woolen hair tie band for Roman matrons
Toga Chiton with many pins and long “sleeves”
Balteus Complex overfolds of the toga
Chlanis Only Romans allowed to wear togas
Tunic Roman “belt”
Tutulus Etruscan woman’s hat
Wool Roman loincloth
Etruscans Brimless Greek hat with a pointed crown
Tebenna Greek loincloth undergarment
Men Grecian wrapped shawl usually worn draped over the left arm
Doric peplos Pre-Roman cultured people in western Italy
Himation Etruscan garment that preceded the toga
Chiton Sleeveless chiton with a slim fit
Chignon Named after its T-shape, worn by Greek
Subligar Popular draped Roman garment worn over tunics
Pilos Primary fabric used in Rome
Knossos Minoan palace on Crete

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