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Basic Geography Vocabuary

Tim Pasto

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Tundra Highest point on a mountain ar hill
Elevation Narrow body of water that connects two larger bodies of water
Plateau Huge area of salt water. Four of them cover 3/4 of the earth
Penninsula Triangular-shaped area of small islands of sediment that divide a river into smaller parts at its mouth
Island Large amount of flowing fresh water
Cape One half of the earth
Temperate An elevated, level expanse of land; a tableland
Mouth One of the seven principle land masses on earth
Prime Meridian Treeless plain close to or above the Artic Circle
Poles 0 degrees longitude
Compass Rose Piece of land extrending beyond the rest of the shoreline
Archipelago Deep, narrow, steep-sided valley, often with a river on its floor
Canal Dry area that recieves such a small amount of water that no plants or animals can survive
Hemisphere Northern and Southern most points on the earth
Geography Dry area of flat rolling land that supports grasses but few trees. Located in tropical or subtropical areas
Tributary Relatively large body of salt water enclosed or partally enclsoed by land
Climate Body of water surronded by land, usually fresh water
Sea Area that is wet year round
Swamp SIgnificant natural elevation of the earth's surface, usually have steep sides
Gulf All the weather that occurs in an area ove ra long period of time
Glacier Charcterized as an area having four seasons
Equator Large portion of the earth's surface united by physical or human characteristics such as language, culture, economic activity, or political system
Latitude The lower end of a river where it flows into another body of water
Delta Area of land surronded by water on three of its four sides
Basin Huge mass of slowly moving ice
Summit Large area of a sea or ocean partially enclosed by land
Canyon Large area of flat or gently rolling, treeless land
Lake Imaginary line that circles the Earth between the poles
Continent` Study of the features of the earth
Isthmus Man-made waterway
Mountain Body of water partially enclosed by land with a mouth accesible to a larger body of water
Longitude These lines indicate the distance east/west of the Prime Meridian
Ocean Stream or river that flows into a larger stream or river
Region Distance above sea-level
Desert These lines indicate the distance north/south of the Equator
Bay Shows direction on a map
Savanna String of islands clustered together
River Narrow neck of land conecting two larger areas of land
Strait Area that is drained by a river system
Plain Land completely surronded by water

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