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Geographic Terms Crossword

Pam Farnsworth, CPS

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Reef gap between mountains
Savanna line on a mountain above which it is too cold for trees to grow
Peninsula body of water with land on all sides
FallLine area of water and fertile land in a desert
CoastalPlain land along a sea or ocean
Dune side of a hill or mountain
Bay high, steep face of rock or earth
SeaLevel land along a river
Ocean hill of sand piled up by the wind
Riverbank steep drop from a high place to a lower place in a stream or river
Foothills and that has water on all sides
Inlet deep, narrow valley with steep sides
Delta area along which rivers form waterfalls or rapids as the rivers drop to lower land
Cataract ridge of sand, rock, or coral that lies at or near the surface of a sea or ocean
Valley deepest part of a body of water
Peak area of high, mostly flat land
Slope stream or river that flows into a larger stream or river
Floodplain highest kind of land
River narrow channel of water connecting two larger bodies of water
Cliff an inlet of the sea or some other body of water, usually smaller than a gulf
Gulf narrow strip of land connecting two larger areas of land
Coast body of shallow water
Range triangle-shaped area of land at the mouth of a river
Plateau land that is almost completely surrounded by water
Cape hilly area at the base of a mountain
Canyon point of land that extends into water
Swamp large waterfall
Sea opening in the earth, often raised, through which lava, rock, ashes, and gases are forced out
March area of low, wet land with trees
Channel high, steep face of rock or earth
Tributary low land between hills or mountains
Waterfall area of flat or gently rolling low land
Basin area of flat land along a sea or ocean.
Desert flat-topped mountain with steep sides
Island row of mountains
Oasis part of a sea or ocean extending into the land, usually larger than a bay
Bluff large stream of water that flows across the land
Mountain dry land with few plants
Lake top of a mountain
Hill large ice mass that moves slowly down a mountain or across land
Isthmus the level of the surface of an ocean or a sea
Volcano lowland with moist soil and tall grasses
Timberline any area of water extending into the land from a larger body of water
Pass area of grassland and scattered trees
Glacier land that rises above the land around it
Strait body of salt water smaller than an ocean
Lagoon body of salt water larger than a sea
Mesa flat land that is near the edges of a river and is formed by silt deposited by floods
Plain bowl-shaped area of land surrounded by higher land

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