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World Geography Final

Robert Baldwin

No description

Loess Mostly flat area with few elevation changes
Plain Condition of the bottom atmosphere over a long time
Delta Darl colored organic material
Crust Formed by decaying plants and animals over time
Hemisphere Artificial waterway
Erosion Without it, there would be only rock, not in soil
Rotation Florida wetlands
Climate An air mass
Glacier Places with similar characteristics
Humus Flat plain sometimes formed at the mouth of a river
Weather The earth's spinning on its axis
Fallline Thick rock layer around the earth's core
Sediment Surrounded by water on three sides
Tundra Huge, slow-moving ice field
Precipitation One trip around the sun for the earth
Density Where a place is in compared to other places
Fossilfuels Very deep valley with very deep sides
Lithosphere Breakdown of rock into smaller and smaller pieces
Valley Mountain range reaching into the Northeast
Mantle Half of the globe
Suburbs Residential area just outside of a city
Front Dry, treeless plain that sprouts grass or moss when the ground thaws
Canyon God after whom volcanos are named
Appalachians Low place between mountains
Regions Load of rock and sand carried by a river
Platetectonics Condition of the bottom atmosphere over a short time
Weathering Cloth-related industry
Relativelocation Telegraph inventor
Vulcan Circle of volcanos surrounding the Pacific Ocean
Everglades Type of weather just north of Tropic of Cancer
Plateau Water that falls to the earth as rain, sleet, snow, etc.
Textile Raised, mostly level landform
Canal Landforms and other surface features
Ringoffire Theory that says the earth's outer shell is not solid rock
Erie Average number of days between spring and fall frosts
Erosion Outer layer of the earth
Peninsula Movement of weathered gravel, soil, etc.
Telecommunication First man-made canal in America
Revolution Average number of people in a given area is its population____
Morse Windblown deposits of mineral-rich dust
Subtropical Electric communication

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