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Island Southest Asia

Katie Ayala

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Eurasian Plate the most rapid and fluid type of downhill mass wasting
Krakatau a Pelean-Type volcano on Luzon
Merapi one plate is pushed downward towards another
Kelute deepest location on earth
Philippine Trench trench of coffee
Philippines I-A Plate
Sumatra Ring of Fire is located on
mudflows "Unity in Diversity"
Mariana Trench A steep-sided mass of doughy lava extruded from a volcano
Sunda Strait surrounded by the African, Indian and Australian plates
typhoon Highest peak on Bali
Java Trench earths shifting crust
Bali most populated island in Indonesia
Indo-Australian plate archipelagic nation
Agung largest islands of the Philippines
Convergent boundaries volcano in the Sunda Strait
lahar seasonal heavy rainfall
caldera strato volcanoes
Java destructive plate boundaries
Composite volcanoes magma
Tambora molten rock larger than 2 1/2 inches
Philippine Plate plate under Philippines
tsunamis hurricane that stays in the ocean
Indonesia volcanic mudflow in Javanese
Pacific Plate sixth largest island in the world
Subduction area with frequent earthquake and volcanic eruptions
monsoon most active volcano in the Philippines
pyroclastic flows gigantic basin with steep walls
lava 1,320 kilometers long
Volcanic bombs highest peak is Mt. Agung
Pacific Ring of Fire 50 miles from Mt. Angung
nuée ardente glowing clowds of hot volcanic ashand gas in french
Tectonic plates volcanic rock and glass fragments
Mayon fast moving currents of hot gas from a volcanoe
Tephra 1815 erupted on the Island of Sumbawa
lava dome powdery residue from an eruption
Manila helped kill those people on Java
taal volcano killed over 1,000 people in 1900's on Java
volcanic ash between Sumatra and Java
Luzon mighty sea waves

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