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What do you know about Greece?

Laura Elliott

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athletes The Olympic Games were held here.
city state The largest Aegean island.
Agora The Ancient Greeks made wine from _________.
mountains Greece is located on a peninsula near the ___________Sea.
grapes The ________Sea is located to the east of Greece.
Parthenon This city was famous for its educators.
Mediterranean The biggest temple in Athens.
Athens A city that includes all the surrounding farms, villages, and houses.
sea All male ______ participated in the Olympic Games.
fishermen Mainland Greece is not very __________.
Europe The hill in Athens on which the Ancient Greeks built the Parthenon and other temples.
Olympia The Greeks traveled by _____ because the roads were very rugged.
climate Mainland Greece is surrounded by _______.
Acropolis ________was very difficult for the people of Ancient Greece.
farming Some Ancient Greeks work as traders or ____________ on the sea.
Aegean This city was famous for its strong Army.
Crete The market place located in the middle of the city.
water Greece is located on the continent of _________.
fertile Greece has a warm, dry ____________.
Sparta Mainland Greece is hot and dry with many high _____________.

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