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Unit 1: Geography Study Guide

J. Bullock

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Climate The condition of the atmosphere at a given place and time.
Migration The imaginary line that circles the globe halfway between the north and south poles.
Literacy Rate The land, water, climate, plants, and animals of an area
Limited Government The average number of people living in a given area.
Urban Explains what the symbols on a map represent
Constitutional Monarchy A learned system of shared beliefs and ways of doing things that guide a person's daily behavior.
Nonrenewable The number of deaths per 1000 in a country within a year.
Free Enterprise The study of the making buying and selling of goods and services.
Longitude A government in which leaders are held accountable by citizens through their constitutions and democractic processess
Environment Lines of Geography that run north to south but have degrees of east and west
Map The movement of ideas or behaviors from one region to another.
Latitude The movement of people from one place to another.
Limited Monarchy A government that has total over their citizens
Unlimited Government The number of people in a society that can read and write
Renewable The position of a place in relation to another places.
Diffusion The number of births per 1000 in a country within a year
Physical One who rules a country with complete authority
Political A political system in which citizens elect their leaders and rule by majority
Physical An English assembly made up of nobles and common people which has the power to pass and enforce laws.
Relative A map that includes country borders, capitals, cities and other places.
Prime Meridian Lines of Geography that run east to west but have degrees of north and south.
Weather The branch of geography that studies people past and present
Equator A flat diagram of all or part of earth's surface.
Absolute A map that features include mountain ranges, rivers, oceans islands and plains.
Birth Rate A extact location of a place on earth.
Hemispheres Resources, such as soils and forests, that can be replaced by Earth's natural processes.
Geography Resources, such as coal and oil, which cannot be replaced by Earth's natural processes
Death Rate The dry area on the leeward side of a mountain or mountain range.
Water Cycle The movement of water from earth's surface to the atmosphere and back
Human Nonrenewable resources formed from the remains of anicent plants and animals
Democracy The process in which countries are increasingly linked to each other through culture and trade.
Fossil Fuels An economic and political system in which the government owns most of the industries and makes most of the economic decisions
Dictator A scale model of Earth.
Command A territory ruled by a king or queen who has total power to govern
Parliament An economic system in which people, not government, decide what to make buy or sell.
Rain Shadow The imaginary line that runs through Greenwich England and represents 0 degrees longitude.
Legend The field of forecasting and reporting rainfall and temperatures.
Deforestation The branch of geography that studies earth's natural landscapes and physical systems
Population Monarchy's powers limited by law
Monarchy Missing phrase2 - 8
Globalization The equator divides the globe into two halves.
Globe The study of earth's atmosphere and its people and how both impact each other.
Population Density A government with a monarch as head of state and a parliament or other legislature that makes laws
Economics The destruction or loss of forest area.
Culture The weather conditions in an area over a long period of time.
Meteorology The total number of people in a given area.

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