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European Union Countries

Joslynn Kimbrue

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Spain The Prime Minister of this country is Aigars Kalvītis
United Kingdom This country is the third-largest island in the Mediterranean
Denmark The Monarch of this country is Queen Beatrix
Germany Paris is the capital and largest city in this country
Romania The largest city in this country is Dublin
Sweden The official language in this country is German
Latvia The capital of this country is Bratislava
Slovenia The President of this country is László Sólyom
Hungary The capital of this country is Lisbon
Bulgaria The official language of this country is Swedish
Malta The Prime Minister of this country is Andrus Ansip
Belgium The Prime Minister of this country is Sergei Stanishev
Luxembourg The President of this country is Traian Băsescu
Greece The Grand Duke of this country is Grand Duke Henri
Lithuania This countries official language is Danish
Netherlands The country has borders with Poland to the north, Germany to the northwest and west, Austria to the south, and Slovakia to the east
Poland The Pope lives in this country
Austria The capital of this city is Vilnius
Cyprus The capital of this country is Brussels
France This Monarch of this country is King Juan Carlos I
Finland The Aegean Sea lies to the east and south of mainland of this country
Estronia The largest city in this country is Birkirkara
Ireland The official language in this country is Polish
Italy The President of this country is Heinz Fischer
Czech Republic This country is in southern Central Europe bordering Italy to the west, the Adriatic Sea to the southwest, Croatia to the south and east, Hungary to the northeast, and Austria to the north
Portugal This country is eleventh on the United Nations' Human Development Index and ranked as the sixth happiest nation in the world
Slovakia The capital of this country is London

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