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European Crossword

Blake Hickerson and Jordan Howe

Fill in the crossword puzzle with words that relate to the geography of Europe, for example names of countries, oceans, or mountains. Use the clues to help you.

Macedonia Bucharest is the capital of this country
Iceland The sea east of Greece
Ukraine South of Belarus and west of Russia
Austria The river that runs through Paris
Croatia Ljubljana is the capital of this country
Sweden Skojpe is the capital here
Czech The coastal country northwest of Germany
Atlantic Between Poland and Hungary
United Kingdom Berlin is the capital of this country
Luxembourg The sea between Italy and the European continent
Romania Warsaw is the capital of this country
Belarus The Republic bordered by Germany and Poland
Estonia Coastal country bordering Greece
Russia The sea between the UK, Germany, and Norway
Hungary Country to the east of the Gulf of Bothnia
Slovakia An island country west of the United Kingdom
Norway The Peninsula country north of Germany
Ireland Surrounded by Germany, Hungary, and Czech Rep.
Bosnia The tiny country north of France
Portugal The country between Finland and Norway
Seine Athens is the capital of this country
Poland Coastal country west of Sweden
Switzerland The largest country in Europe
Latvia South of Romania, between Austria and Romania
France The island between Sardina and Italy
Denmark Between Ukraine and Romania
Albania The isolated country in the Atlantic Ocean
North A river in the middle of Italy
Aegean Podgorica is the Capital of this country
Netherlands The sea between Sweden and Poland
Greece North of Italy, west of France
Finland Paris is in this country
Danube The country west of Spain
Slovenia Minsk is the capital of this country
Tiber The large sea on the south of Europe
Montenegro The large ocean to the west of Europe
Spain The island south of Corsica
Corsica The country that is between Portugal and France
Mediterranean Bordered by Bosnia, Slovenia, and Hungary
Moldova Surrounded on the north and south by Croatia
Adriatic The large island country north of France
Baltic Budapest is teh capital of this country
Sardina The river that runs through the middle of Europe
Sicily The island southwest of Italy
Germany The country between Lithuania and Estonia
Serbia Tallinn is the capital of this country

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