Blessure | | A team sport in France is called “un sport ___. |
Penalty | | Cracking your skull is a serious ___. |
Spectateur | | What do you call a member of a sports audience? |
Radio | | What sport uses “un tee” and “des clubs”? |
Glace | | What do you catch with a “canne à pêche”? |
Jouer | | What French verb means “to score” (non-conjugated)? |
Poisson | | What do you normally kick a soccer ball with? |
Passer | | What sport’s ball is often called a “pigskin”? |
Pied | | How do those not attending a sporting event still watch it? |
Football Américan | | What sport contains “un ballon orange”? |
Juane | | What do players of “le football Américan” play on? |
Position | | What sport involves sticks, frozen water, and a lot of knocked out teeth? |
Golf | | What French verb means “to pass” (non-conjugated)? |
Bicyclette | | What do you “farie du patin” on? |
Montagne | | Who makes sure that sports players follow the rules? |
Télévision | | What color jersey does the Tour de France winner wear? |
Lancer | | What French verb means “to shoot” (non-conjugated)? |
Basket | | What is a sports participant called (masculine form)? |
Champ | | What landform can you ski on? |
Collectif | | If a foul is called on a player or team, what do they receive? |
Abitre | | What are “Quarterback” or “3rd Base” examples of? |
But | | What French sport involves a net, a racquet, and a fuzzy yellow ball? |
Tennis | | What do competitors in the Tour de France ride? |
Marquer | | What do players of "le football" want to score? |
Hockey | | What do you use to listen to a sports game in the car? |