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The Last Unicorn Crossword

Sophie Kidd-Myers

Based on the Novel Peter S. Beagle

hero The unicorn's name when changed into a human
MommyFortuna The wizard
wine The creature that is the demise of Mommy Fortuna
regret The witch who capture's the last unicorn
tree Who Schmendrick made Captain Cully and his crew see
Schmendrick Captain Cully's maid and cook, she ends up going with Schmendrick and the last unicon on their quest
butterfly King Haggard's pet and minion
cat King Haggard's adopted son
cloven What the lady Amalthea ends up feeling for prince Lir
robinhood What the gateway to the cave under the castle where the red bull lives is.
Amalthea The unicorn has ____ hooves
theredbull The last unicorn's home
captaincully The name of Mommy Fortuna's show
sea A mythical creature with a single horn
princelir One of the things that being mortal taught the unicorn
maidens Unicorns comes to young ____
forest The name of the harpy
Unicorn What Captain Cully's crew tied Schemdrick to
Celaeno Where the unicorns were driven
clock What the skeleton though Molly Grue and Schmendrick gave it
unicorns This creature first tells the unicorn of the red bull
MollyGrue The leader of a band of forest outlaws, Schmendrick is caught by one of his men
harpy What animal told Molly Grue about the skeleton and the clock
midnightcarnival What Lir becomes trying to win lady Amalthea's heart
love The only thing that makes King Haggard happy

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