Bard | | animals who surrounded the trees |
lefthand | | day upon which the keyhole appears |
Chief-of-Guards | | home of Bilbo |
Wargs | | name of Bilbo's sword |
thrush | | name of the greedy dragon |
Beater | | Missing phrase2 - 61 |
Eagles | | Missing phrase2 - 69 |
Foe-Hammer | | human who slayed the dragon |
Thrain | | race that Bilbo is from |
Misty Mountains | | bird who tells the dwarves and Bilbo of the death of the dragon |
Balin | | Thorin's grandfather |
Gloin | | Missing phrase2 - 76 |
Carrock | | event that Thorin and Gandalf's swords were made for |
Blue | | Missing phrase2 - 66 |
Elrond | | Bard is the descendant of him |
Ori | | name of the forest in which the Wood-elves live |
sting | | creature living under the goblins' tunnels |
Beorn | | master of the Last Homely House |
Burgler | | Missing phrase2 - 49 |
Durins Day | | Missing phrase2 - 71 |
Bullroarer | | Missing phrase2 - 62 |
Nature | | Missing phrase2 - 52 |
Oin | | Missing phrase2 - 67 |
Necromancer | | Missing phrase2 - 39 |
Spiders | | dwarves and Bilbo escape from the Wood-elves in these |
J R R Tolkien | | Thorin's cousin |
Goblin-Wars | | river by which the dwarves and Bilbo escape from the Wood-elves |
Biter | | name of Gandalf's sword in the ancient tongue of Gondolin |
Comfortable | | weapon which Thorin dies from |
Iron Hills | | Missing phrase2 - 68 |
Roac | | object Bilbo found in the goblins' tunnels |
Forest River | | creatures who rescued the dwarves and Bilbo from the wolves and goblins |
Running River | | Missing phrase2 - 74 |
Girion | | Missing phrase2 - 42 |
Riddles | | month when the dwarves and Gandalf arrive at Bilbo's house |
Bombur | | Thorin's father |
Dale | | Missing phrase2 - 24 |
Moria | | Missing phrase2 - 54 |
Spears | | Missing phrase2 - 51 |
raven | | creature under the goblins' mountain called himself this |
Thror | | Missing phrase2 - 65 |
Dwalin | | Missing phrase2 - 63 |
blue | | Gandalf's sword |
Thorin | | skin-changer who changes into a black bear |
lights | | wise wizard who accompanies the dwarves |
Middle-earth | | falls asleep with forgetfullness in the forest of the Wood-elves |
Glamdring | | thing that makes the dwarves and Bilbo leave the path |
Dain | | Missing phrase2 - 77 |
Moon-Letters | | Bilbo's mother |
Thorin | | job Bilbo was hired for |
Trolls | | Missing phrase2 - 64 |
Hart | | valley under the Lonely Mountain |
Balin | | Missing phrase2 - 40 |
Precious | | the Last Homely House is in this valley |
west | | Bilbo and the creature under the mountain's game involved these |
Smaug | | someone Gandalf defeated when he was away from the dwarves and Bilbo |
confident | | name of the bird who tells the dwarves and Bilbo of the death of the dragon |
Butterflies | | leader of the group of dwarves and Bilbo |
Hobbits | | Thorin's sword |
Bombur | | three creatures dwarves and Bilbo come across at the start of their journey |
Gollum | | something that Elrond finds on the map |
Bungo Baggins | | creatures who live in the forest of the Wood-elves |
Rivendell | | Bilbo's father |
Belladonna Took | | a change in Bilbo as a result of the adventure is he is more |
pine-cones | | invented the game of golf |
thirteen | | bird who overhears Bilbo and tells Bard where to shoot the dragon |
green | | Missing phrase2 - 32 |
Ring | | the name of the steps that the skin-changer made on the great rock |
Gandalf | | Missing phrase2 - 47 |
yellow | | Missing phrase2 - 45 |
Mirkwood | | author of The Hobbit |
barrels | | Missing phrase2 - 70 |
purple | | name of Thorin's sword in the ancient tongue of Gondolin |
Orcrist | | name of the world in which The Hobbit takes place |
April | | Missing phrase2 - 75 |
Bag-End | | Missing phrase2 - 41 |
Goblin-Cleaver | | watchguard of the dwarves |
Galion | | name of the mountains in which the eagles live |