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The Hobbit

J. R. R. Tolkien

5 points

Bard animals who surrounded the trees
lefthand day upon which the keyhole appears
Chief-of-Guards home of Bilbo
Wargs name of Bilbo's sword
thrush name of the greedy dragon
Beater Missing phrase2 - 61
Eagles Missing phrase2 - 69
Foe-Hammer human who slayed the dragon
Thrain race that Bilbo is from
Misty Mountains bird who tells the dwarves and Bilbo of the death of the dragon
Balin Thorin's grandfather
Gloin Missing phrase2 - 76
Carrock event that Thorin and Gandalf's swords were made for
Blue Missing phrase2 - 66
Elrond Bard is the descendant of him
Ori name of the forest in which the Wood-elves live
sting creature living under the goblins' tunnels
Beorn master of the Last Homely House
Burgler Missing phrase2 - 49
Durins Day Missing phrase2 - 71
Bullroarer Missing phrase2 - 62
Nature Missing phrase2 - 52
Oin Missing phrase2 - 67
Necromancer Missing phrase2 - 39
Spiders dwarves and Bilbo escape from the Wood-elves in these
J R R Tolkien Thorin's cousin
Goblin-Wars river by which the dwarves and Bilbo escape from the Wood-elves
Biter name of Gandalf's sword in the ancient tongue of Gondolin
Comfortable weapon which Thorin dies from
Iron Hills Missing phrase2 - 68
Roac object Bilbo found in the goblins' tunnels
Forest River creatures who rescued the dwarves and Bilbo from the wolves and goblins
Running River Missing phrase2 - 74
Girion Missing phrase2 - 42
Riddles month when the dwarves and Gandalf arrive at Bilbo's house
Bombur Thorin's father
Dale Missing phrase2 - 24
Moria Missing phrase2 - 54
Spears Missing phrase2 - 51
raven creature under the goblins' mountain called himself this
Thror Missing phrase2 - 65
Dwalin Missing phrase2 - 63
blue Gandalf's sword
Thorin skin-changer who changes into a black bear
lights wise wizard who accompanies the dwarves
Middle-earth falls asleep with forgetfullness in the forest of the Wood-elves
Glamdring thing that makes the dwarves and Bilbo leave the path
Dain Missing phrase2 - 77
Moon-Letters Bilbo's mother
Thorin job Bilbo was hired for
Trolls Missing phrase2 - 64
Hart valley under the Lonely Mountain
Balin Missing phrase2 - 40
Precious the Last Homely House is in this valley
west Bilbo and the creature under the mountain's game involved these
Smaug someone Gandalf defeated when he was away from the dwarves and Bilbo
confident name of the bird who tells the dwarves and Bilbo of the death of the dragon
Butterflies leader of the group of dwarves and Bilbo
Hobbits Thorin's sword
Bombur three creatures dwarves and Bilbo come across at the start of their journey
Gollum something that Elrond finds on the map
Bungo Baggins creatures who live in the forest of the Wood-elves
Rivendell Bilbo's father
Belladonna Took a change in Bilbo as a result of the adventure is he is more
pine-cones invented the game of golf
thirteen bird who overhears Bilbo and tells Bard where to shoot the dragon
green Missing phrase2 - 32
Ring the name of the steps that the skin-changer made on the great rock
Gandalf Missing phrase2 - 47
yellow Missing phrase2 - 45
Mirkwood author of The Hobbit
barrels Missing phrase2 - 70
purple name of Thorin's sword in the ancient tongue of Gondolin
Orcrist name of the world in which The Hobbit takes place
April Missing phrase2 - 75
Bag-End Missing phrase2 - 41
Goblin-Cleaver watchguard of the dwarves
Galion name of the mountains in which the eagles live

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