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Marion L. Poole

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albania Leprechauns are only found in ___ and are very mischievous
salazarslytherin Which is not a ball used in Quidditch? (2 wds)
earwax A common garden pest?
cabbage What does Ron leave in the bar? (2 wds) (Book 3)
canaryyellow Name the plant Professor Sprout planted to protect the Philosopher's Stone? (2 wds)
devilssnare During Harry's first Quidditch match, who yells, "Send him off, ref!"? (2 wds)
dailyprophet An ash-colored wart hog capable of invisibility?
badger How does the Sorting Hat describe the pupils of Ravenclaw? (3 wds) (Book 1)
alohomora Who had the rare ability of speaking the language of the snakes? (2 wds)
areadymind What color Quidditch robes do the Hufflepuffs wear?
ireland During which month does the Quidditch season start at Hogwarts? (Book 1)
three What is Mrs. Malfoy's first name? (Books 1-4)
olivander Where are werewolves believed to have originated? (2 wds)
saturday How many staircases are there at Hogwart's? (3 wds) (Book 1)
jamesandlily Who delivers baby Harry to Dumbledore in Privet Drive at the start of the movie?
narcissa Professor Vector teaches ___
norbert Hagrid's dog? (Goblet of Fire)
tebo Yes or no. Since Draco Malfoy became the Slytherin's seeker, have they ever beaten the Gryffindors at Quidditch?
lavenderbrown Which newspaper do the witches and wizard read? (2 wds)
scabbers In the first book, Hagrid hatches a dragon egg. What is the dragon's name?
rock What is Dean Thomas' favorite soccer team? (2 wds) (Book 1)
devon The entrance to Gryffindor is guarded by the portrait of a ___ in a pink silk dress (2 wds)
vampires What did Rita Skeeter describe Albus Dumbledore as? (2 wds) (Book 4)
yellow What color was the hand-knitted sweater that Mrs. Weasley gave to Harry for christmas? (Book 1)
terryboot A grey, furry, flying insect known to infest beehives?
tennisball We know that Parvati Patil was sorted into Gryffindor House, but what house was her twin Padma sorted into? (Book 1)
pear He oversees the weighing of the wands? (Goblet of Fire)
wattlebird What birthday does Harry celebrate in the first book? (Book 1)
gardenwall What does Hermione say to unlock the door between her and fluffy?
westham Hufflepuff's colors are ___ (2 wds)
europe The golden snidget used to be used to play ___
rattonic What did Wales lose to in the Quidditch World Cup early rounds? (Book 4)
karkaroff Who was the first person to be sorted into Gryffindor in Harry's year? (2 wds)
fatlady Crookshanks, Hermione's cat, has the magical power to recognize ___ (Books 1-4)
uganda What is the spell or charm to return a stunned person back to normal? (Book 4)
false Who is the house ghost of Hufflepuff? (2 wds)
fang What creature is sometimes known as a clauricorn?
toad According to Harry, what does Mrs. Figg's house smell like? (Book 1)
animagi Where do Nicolas Flannel and his wife Perenelle live? (Book 1)
lestranges Ron Weasley has a hand-me-down pet rat. What is its name?
glumbumble When meeting Professor Qirrell in the Leaky Cauldron, what did he tell Harry was the subject of the book he was in London to pick up? (Book 1)
onefortytwo Where are hippogriffs native to?
eleven True or false? Harry sees only his mother and father in the Mirror of Erised? (Philosopher's Stone)
hagrid Who was the first person to be sorted into Ravenclaw? (2 wds)
arithmancy Which deatheater(s)did not show up when Voldemort summoned them because they were in Azkaban? (HP Year 4)
deanthomas What is the first password for Gryffindor House? (Book 2)
acromantula What fruit did you have to tickle on the painting in order to enter into the kitchens? (HP Year 4)
madamrosmerta What item did Cedric transfigure to distract the Dragon during the first task? (HP year 4)
leprechaun What is the house symbol of Hufflepuff?
emerald What were the names of Harry's parents? ( ___ and ___ )
enervate An eight-eyed spider capable of human speech?
november What flavor of "Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Bean" did Dumbledore end up with? (Philosopher's Stone)
quidditch What day of the week did Charlie's friends collect Norbert? (Book 1)
imperius Who is the Headmaster of Durmstrang? (2 wds) (Goblet of Fire)
obsoletedingbat Wizards get rid of gnomes by spinning them around until their dizzy and then dropping them over the ___? (2 wds)
fatfriar Who serves drinks at The Three Broomsticks? (2 wds) (Books 1-4)
no Where was Bertha Jorkins killed? (Book 1-4)
ravenclaw A basillisk is born from a chicken's egg hatched beneath a what?
gnome How many types of troll are there?
notherneurope What was the first curse Moody put on the spider? (Books 1-4)

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