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Harry Potter Character's


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Peter Pettigrew very protective of her children, acts like harry's part of the family
Mad Eye Moody Charms teacher
Hermione Granger brave, was a triwizard champion, killed by peter pettigrew
Bellatrix Shy and timid, he is now hated
Fudge Loves muggles, enchanted a car to fly
Ron Weasley popular and smart, he can have any girl, but one
Dobby loves to please, but it sometimes annoying
Nymphadora Tonks sneaky, and loyal looks for students, to rat them out
Ginny Weasley Top Auror
Dumbledore No man dares challenges him in a duel, not even you know who himself
Arthur Weasley The boy who lived
Snape smart, and intelligent, often gets into arguments with ron
Fred and George many students have a grudge against this teacher
Draco Malfoy often jealous, and exagerants things quite often
Cho Chang Quiet, and smart, with a curse that will haunt him forever.
Remus Lupin You know who's most loyal servant,
Viktor Krum Bright, and cheerful nothing can bring her spirit down.
Flitwick spooky old man, who has a deep grudge against peeves
Harry Potter Brave, and very protective,
Kingsley Shacklebolt names a chocolate
Slughorn lives with his grabdmother,
Neville Longbottom Harry's enemy at school, slick and smooth
Sirius Black Harry's crush at hogwarts
Lily Evans prefect, stubborn as a rock,
Cedric Diggory famous Quiditch player
James Potter These two make a great pair, with their inventions.
Flich Crazy old man, parnoid, he often drives Tonks crazy.
Mrs. Norris A year younger than harry, often shy around him
Molly Weasleys very nosy and rude, took Umbridges place at hogwarts

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