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The Great Gatsby Ch. 1-5

Ms. Gould

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Zelda Gatsby was said to have attended _______________
Flappers Daisy's childhood friend
Bessie Smith Has human molars for cuff links
Myrtle Wilson F. Scott Fitzgerald wife's name was __________
Klipspringer Young ladies who gave the impression of being more free, easy goind and promiscuous were known as __________
New Orleans Jazz originated in this US city
West A driving force behind the Women's Rights Movement
Real A popular women's hairstyle
Jay Famous cubist painter
East Nick and Gatsby live in ____________ Egg
Pablo Picasso Gatsby's first name
Oxford boards at Gatsby's house and plays the piano
Tea Nick considereds himself
Ashes Wants no more "riotous excursions with privileged glimpses into the human heart"
Meye Wolfshiem The narrator's last name
Reassurance Nick says that Jordan Baker is
Owl Eyes Daisy tumbled short of [ ]'s dreams - not through her own fault but because of the clossal vitality of his illusion"
Nick Gatsby's smile is characterized as having
TJ Eckleburg Mrs. Wilson lives in the Valley of ______________
Jalopy Has a daughter that she hopes will be
Dishonest The first time Nick sees Gatsby, he's standing on his front lawn looking across the bay at a ____________ light.
Carraway Got in a car accident at Gatsby's party
Talkies Owl Eyes is shocked to see that Gatsby's books are ______________
Green Tom and Daisy live in ____________ Egg
Bob The peak of his life was when he played football in college
Honest The 19th amendment gave women the right to _________
Jordan Baker Famous female actress from the 1920s
Midwest personality changed when she changed her dress
Elizabeth Stanton Billboard over the valley of ashes is for this doctor
Daisy The 1920s introduced that _____________ - movies with words
Tom Famous female jazz singer
Vote Gatsby wants Nick to invite Daisy to ________
Gatsby An old, beat up car
Clara Bow The narrator, Nick, is from the ________

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