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Fahrenheit 451

Mrs. Sideri

Fahrenheit 451 Review

Montag Poem Montag reads to the women
DenhamsDentrifice Overdoses on sleeping pills
Chicago Montag's book to memorize
antisocial Montag tries as a child to fill one with sand
coward If you rub this on your chin and the color comes off, you are in love
Doverbeach According to the rule book, the first fireman
family Man Montag meets on the tracks. Discusses legacy
Granger Where Montag hides his books
porches Man Montag met in the park who agrees to help him
river Faber believes he is one of these because he did not speak up
pedestrian Montag jumps into this to avoid the hound
Mildred Clarisse's uncle was once arrested for being a __________.
seventeen Name for futuristic headphones
mirror Faber says there are a lot of __________ degrees along the railroad tracks
Ecclesiates Religious figure who advertises products on the parlor walls
Faber Place where Montag and Mildred met
Franklin Architects stopped putting these on houses
sieve Clarisse's age
professor Faber's old profession
Harvard Product advertised on the train
hound Mildred considers the people on television as this
dandelion Reads Montag's amino acids and seems to dislike him
Clarisse Granger says they will build this kind of factory
whiskey Montag must use this device instead of kerosene on his house
Bible Book Montag tries to read on the train
Beatty Protagonist and dynamic character
flamethrower Label placed on Clarisse because of her behavior
ventilator Faber and Montag drink this and use it as an antiseptic
seashells Montag kills this man
Jesus Catalyst for Montag's change

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