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Ender's Game

Teresa Shyr

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Salamander The person who taught Ender how to shoot.
Brenard Mazor Rackham taught him that he had to think like the _________ in order to win.
Peter Wiggin Where the buggers got the objects to make replicas on their home world for Ender.
Five Ender's teacher in Command School.
Self-mutilation Ender went to _______ School after Battle School.
Dragon Ender is known as a _______ in Battle School, earning respect, envy, and hatred.
Launchies The document that ended the war on earth.
Battle School Ender's first formal battle team.
Bean Where Ender's isolation began.
Third Invasion Peter's fake name on the Nets.
Valentine Wiggin Ender had ________ standings for the game at Battle School.
Perfect The teachers started making the game at Battle School _______.
Command The enemy of the humans.
Games The number of toons in Ender's battle team that he commanded.
Mazor Rackham The person who first isolated Ender from the rest of the children.
Locke The bridge of the two warring groups in Ender's launchie group.
Unfair What Ender found Beyond the End of the World on the bugger planet.
Third How Ender learned different techniques and stratgies.
Freeze The number of people Ender accidentally killed in self-defense.
Spaceship Ender's brother.
Enemy Ender is a ________ in the family, and is disgraced because of it.
Ignored Ender became so good that he could be __________.
Bonzo Madrid In Command School, Ender accidetally did this to himself while sleeping.
Demosthenes The smallest kid in Ender's battle team that he commanded.
Alai Where Ender first went to school.
Petra Arkanian Ender's sister.
Genius The document that made the war on earth break out.
Bugger Cocoon The captain of team Salamander.
Locke Treaty The name of Ender's battle team that he commanded.
Warsaw Pact The number of wars that took place in the book.
Buggers Ender broke his arm.
Two Newcomes to Battle School.
Want it In zero-gravity, down is wherever you ________ _______.
Colonel Graff The guns in the game at Battle School do this.
Two Ender would be commanding the fleet for the ________ ___________.
Mind Game Valentine's fake name on the Nets.

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