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King Arthur

Briana Shutley

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two Gawain claims he is the _______ knight.
barge s/he must pass by a _____________ and defeat it's obstacles or difficulties
separation The hero must undergo an ______ process to prove him/her-self worthy.
netherwold Who warns Arthur of his death?
William Caxton The green knight striked at Gawain how many times?
weapons The hero must set out on a _____, a journey of danger and adventure.
mentor The mentor often presents the hero with special gifts or _____
Bishop of Canterbury The hero is usually a_________
prison The author of Morte D' Arthur spend much of his life in _____.
twelve month Where does Gawain cut the Green Knight?
transformation Arthur is in what relation to Gawain?
felon The hero must undergo a _____ from his/her foster parents.
threshold guardian Mallary forged the Arthurian legends into a visionary cycle of bold ______, spiritual quests, and heart rending betrayal.
neck How many times did Sir Bedivere betray King Arthur before he threw his sword into the water?
girdle Morte d' Arthur was given it's name by what man?
adder Where did Mallary probably write Morte d' Arthur?
moat The hero's journey causes a __________ in him/her; s/he is never the same again.
boon Who was going to strike the green knight first?
Sir Lucan Mallary translated and adapted what texts?
three Sir Thomas Mallary was the author of what story?
Morte d' Arthur What was waiting for King Arthur at the water?
the captain Gawain receives a ____ from a woman to help him against the green knight.
died What does the green knight have at home that he is willing to give?
initiation Who is King Arthur's sister?
behind bars While Arthur and Sir Mordred are meeting, a knight draws his sword to strike a(n) _______.
extortion The hero finds a wise man or woman (_____) who will teach him/her secret skills and knowledge.
Arthur The woman who gives Gawain the gift is the wife of whom?
uncle Mallary escaped custody by swimming in a ____.
battle-ax Arthur is instructed to take a treaty with Sir Mordred for a ______.
hauberk What did King Arthur command Sir Bedivere to throw into the water?
Green Knight Who was the hermit that Sir Bedivere met?
weakest Sir Thoman Mallary was a convicted _______.
sword Gawain must receive his cut in a ______.
Gawain The quest of the hero is for a ____
Morgan Le Fay What is a gisarme?
Arthurian Who tried to talk King Arthur out of spearing Sir Mordred?
foster child Historians believe Thomas Mallary was jailed for crimes such as ________.
month Caxton published Morte D' Arthur after the author did what?
adventure The hero often undergoes a descent into a _______ or hellish place
quest Who is the green knight looking for when he first comes in?

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