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Alas Babylon Crossword

By Brad Subler

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Nuclearweapons There are _____ missles each SAC team has control of.
russiangeneral ________ owns the Tropical Clothing store.
Armageddon Randy ______ attend the Easter Service at Marines Park.
jimhickey When you have a(n) _________ nothing can contaminate the water.
Eliblaustein What counts radioactive material in an area?
petehernandez Preacher Henry's first name is ____________.
zulu What does "A" in Nato stand for?
paradox The date in the journal in which Randy found the location of salt was ____________.
woodrowwilson The peacekeeper is stored ___ ft underground.
leroysettle The beekeeper, _________, and his wife was killed by the highwaymen.
geigercounter __________ beat up Jim in Dr. Gunn's office.
didnt What is the end of civilization called?
Offutfield _________ died from a gunshot wound to the stomach.
apriltwentythird Marine's Park has been turned into a church, ________,and assembly hall.
Vladivostok Bill Cullen, better known as "__________", has radiation poisoning.
codes Two-Tone, Malachai, Ben, and _______ helped Randy hook up the artesian well.
warheads There are five ________ on each missle.
butter The prisoner was hanged in ____________.
ten Who does Mark get his information from?
theater _______________ started the war.
combine Edgar Quisenberry' s bank is called ____________.
lawofscarcity When you talk on a Ham Radio, you have to use ________.
twenty Fission is when atom ______.
coldwar Two places in Russia that were bombed were Moscow and ___________.
seventy Who said, "Small nations, when treated as equals, become the firmest of allies"?
typhus "They want to win a war without a war." is a _________.
blastdoor __________ was the only highwayman who originated in Ft. Repose.
two Lavinia died after being in a(n) ______ hour coma.
hamradios _____ thought of the idea to using Rita's truck.
ICBM Fusion is when atoms ______.
bigmouthbill The end of the _________ was when the Berlin Wall was destroyed.
Jerrykling People in the Soviet Union have repored cases of _________.
MarinesPark In the freezer, meat, _______, and ice-cream were spoiling.
firstnational SAC controls the country's _______?
Clarence Where Mark was, specifically, at the time of impact of the bomb?
artesianwell When Randy and Lib were married, Randy wore his _______________.
atlantic "Alas Babylon" is a literary __________.
lead Malachai drives the truck at ________ mph through most of the journy.
Peyton __________ owns the Ajax Supermarket and dies of radiation.
fortyeight _________ caught huge fish just by asking Preacher Henry how to catch them.
addicts Porky Logan is buried in a ___ coffin along with his treasures.
split What type of time is the same everywhere?
allusion You have to have an education on __________ to talk on one.
militaryuniform ____ people need to turn the key to launch the missles.
satterborough __________ liked to sing and dance while cleaning.
Caleb The _______ is 4ft. thick and weighs 10,000 pounds.
malachai What does "T" in Nato stand for?
Missouri SAC headquarter's call sign is _______________.
treaty The peacekeeper (bomb) is a(n) ________.
lib Mrs. __________ still tends to the flowers after The Day.
peeweecobb The ____________ states everything has a different value since nothing can be replenished.
bigfence _________ was from Standard Station.

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