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Ian Fuller

A simple crossword for learners of English focusing on different types of containers.

billfold You must put your rubbish in a _ _ _.
bag You buy jam and marmalade in a _ _ _.
bin Cooks in America and Europe use a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
cup Americans call the answer to (7) a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
wok People who work in an office often carry a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to work.
briefcase When I get home from work I always make myself a ___ of tea.
mug You can buy fruit and vegetables in a _ _ _ that keeps them fresh for a long time
tin When I go on holiday I pack my clothes in a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
glass Bars serve tequila in a small _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
box Americans call the answer to (15) a _ _ _.
saucepan You bring groceries home from the market in a _ _ _.
handbag Americans call the answer to (5) a _ _ _ _ _.
can Women often carry a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for their personal belongings.
purse You bring new shoes home from the shop in a shoe _ _ _.
garage I like to drink a _ _ _ _ _ of wine with dinner.
bottle People keep their car in a _ _ _ _ _ _ next to their house.
wallet Men often keep their money and credit cards in a _ _ _ _ _ _.
suitcase I often take a _ _ _ _ _ _ of water with me when I go out.
shot glass Cooks in Asia use a _ _ _ to stir-fry and steam foods.
jar A ___ is bigger than the answer to (16).

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