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At the Pharmacy

Thomas David

This is an ESL vocabulary activity based on Linguaphone Student's Book 3 Unit 4.

disease feeling of sleepiness, which may be caused by certain drugs or medicine
temperature pain and discomfort when you spent too much time in the sun
pharmacy a word for surgery when you go under the knife.
nausea an attack or condition when you caught flower pollen, cat fur, ate crabs, etc.
allergy the shot or the needle the doctor or nurse gives you
vomit what the doctor writes for you to buy at the pharmacy
headache signs that point to a particular disease
operation feeling dizzy and liking to throw up
symptom the exact amount of medicine prescribed by the doctor
prescription where you are brought in the hospital in case you had a car crash
hangover measure of heat or coldnesss, either in Celsius or Farenheit
drugstore pain in the head
sunburn a general word for an unhealthy condition
cough a specific word for an unhealthy condition with specific symptoms
injection when a woman has a baby inside her belly
dosage when you clean up your throat (involuntary) as there's some phlegm in it
illness where you buy medicine prescribed by your doctor
emergency room terrrible feeling the day after you drank too much
drowsiness also means to "throw up"
pregnant where you buy over-the-counter medicine and other personal items, like film.

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