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Antonyms (7th grade level)

Miss Ally

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ascend The antonym of "natural."
polite The antonym of "descend."
complicated The antonym of "common."
destroy The antonym of "true."
even The antonym of "vacant."
succeed The antonym of "lazy."
dull The antonym of "beginning."
temporary The antonym of "refuse."
shallow The antonym of "freedom."
separate The antonym of "odd."
vertical The antonym of "deny."
admit The antonym of "timid."
energetic The antonym of "dusk."
false The antonym of "slow."
remember The antonym of "full."
guilty The antonym of "rough."
kind The antonym of "modern."
ancient The antonym of "deep."
rough The antonym of "cruel."
accept The antonym of "enemy."
dawn The antonym of "victory."
artificial The antonym of "wise."
end The antonym of "simple."
solid The antonym of "expand."
blunt The antonym of "liquid."
captivity The antonym of "horizontal."
occupied The antonym of "permanent."
rare The antonym of "innocent."
ally The antonym of "smooth."
bold The antonym of "combine."
private The antonym of "public."
foolish The antonym of "fail."
gentle The antonym of "bright."
empty The antonym of "forget."
contract The antonym of "build."
defeat The antonym of "rude."
rapid The antonym of "sharp."

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