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English Food

Mr Shaw

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Sheperds Sausage made from pig's blood.
Gastropub Extremely smelly blue cheese
Stilton How many sausage varieties are there to be found in the UK?
Mad Cow Disease A lunchtime meal of bread, cheese, pickles and salad
Sandwich Meal made from sausages and Yorkshire pudding batter
Fish and Chips Pie with mashed potato on top filled with seafood
Cream tea Meat obtained from deer
Toad in the hole A meal traditionally served in newspaper.
Black pudding Sponge pudding with sultanas
Puritan England's _______ heritage resulted in a view that its food is bland.
Bakewell What is shaped by Englands climate, geography and history?
Cottage Pie with mashed potato on top filled with beef
Cuisine Pie with mashed potato on top filled with lamb
HP Sausages served with mashed potato
Venison Long curled sausage
Fisherman's Named by the Earl of the same name when eating his favourite food between two slices of bread.
Ploughmans What is Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) commonly known as?
Cornish Pasty Type of sauce with a picture of the Houses of parliament on the front
Custard Known as creme anglaise in France.
Four hundred Tea served with scones, jam and cream
Spotted dick What is the name often given to best restaurants in smaller towns?
Cumberland Almond flavoured tart
Bangers and mash Savoury pastry served in a semi circular shape filled with meat and vegetables

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