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Crossword Activity

Hardeep Bassi

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Ma'at Remembered for the Great Pyramid at Giza that was built as his burial tomb
The New Kingdom The Theban Kings initially ruled at Thebes and eventually moved their capital to
Faiyum Most important geographic influence on Egyptian culture and civilization.
Moses Led the Israelites our of bondage in Egypt.
King Menes Expanded Egyptian empire to the greatest size.
Nile Delta The goddess and symbol of the equilibrium of the universe.
Ramses III The type of Pyramid Imhotep built.
Twice was the first king to unify Egypt.
Amon-Re Bliever in one god.
Temple of Jerusalem Lake Moeris is at the centre of an oasis known as the
Mastabas A man whome historians have called a genius.
Tuthmosis III Came to power as a young child.
Three Massive Pyramids Brought Egypt its last period of peace and stability.
Theban Over __________ objects were found in the tomb of Tutankhamun.
Hatsheput White crown represented the power.
The Second Intermediate Period The earliest pyramids were a series of ________ stacked one on top of the other.
Tutankhamun was the Golden Age of Egypt
Khufu Attempted to replace traditional religion with a monotheistic religion.
Lower Egypt The area in which the Nile empties into the Mediterranean Sea is known as the
Nile River Ancient Eygptians' form of writing.
Memphis Great beauty who seduced Ceaser than fell in love with Mark Antony.
Monotheist was ruled by a monarchy symbolized by the red crown.
The Step Pyramid Nickname given to Tuthmosis III due to his many military campaigns.
Hieroglyphics The plan changed _____ to build the period.
Cleopatra Ruled in her own right for a significant period of time.
Napolean of Egypt The 150 year period, when there was a different reign in Egypt is known as
Five Thousand The sun god and chief god of the Egyptian pantheon.
Imhotep Ruler of the Middle Kingdom.
Akhenaton Greatest monument to Solomon's rule was the
Upper Egypt The ultiamte symbol of power in the Old Kingdom.

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