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Ancient Egypt

Tarah Barker

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Obelisk a tale that was told by all of the pharaohs
Monotheism A historian that studies Egypt
Scribes the belief that there is only one God
Rosetta Stone the king of Sparta and husband of Helen of Troy
Ramses II A preposition indicating that something or somebody is surrounded by people, things, ideas, or circumstances
Hatshepsut Writing material used by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans
Pharaoh A triangular deposit of sand and soil at the mouth of a river or inlet
Amon-Re An eye disease in which the lens becomes covered in an opaque film that affects sight, eventually causing total loss of sight.
Papyrus A pharaoh in Egypt
Dynasty the goddess of fertility
Tale of Sinuhe He was the pharaoh of Egypt, the time of Moses.
Pyramid at Sakkara A writing system that uses symbols or pictures to denote objects
Osiris A pyramid where gods and goddess did there worshipping
Menes A group of people who form a social group
Howard Carter A wife of one of the pharaohs in ancient Egypt.
Thutmose II was carved with an inscription in three different scripts
Hyksos A ruler of ancient Egypt
Delta a member of an ancient nomadic people from western Asia
Mummification an area of interest or responsibility of somebody who has more than one interest or responsibility in a particular situation
Cataract a pillar of stone, especially one built as a monument
Cleopatra A ancient god in the time of Egypt
Set To preserve the corpse of a person or animal for burial by embalming it and wrapping it in cloth
Isis A copier or transcriber of documents
Tutankhamen A prominent and powerful family or group of people whose members retain their power and influence through several generations
Hieroglyphics Willow tree with long flexible stems used in making baskets and furniture.

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