Temperature | | Types of clouds at low altitudes in thin, even sheets. |
Condensation | | the layer of the atmosphere above the troposhere. |
High Pressure | | energy transferred by waves or rays. |
Atmosphere | | A rain-bearing cotton ball-looking cloud. |
Troposphere | | Types of clouds that appear fibrous and feathery. |
Convection | | the layer in the atmosphere where humans live. |
Precipitation | | Drawn on a weather map as a red line with red semicircles. |
Humidity | | transfer of energy that occurs when molecules bump into each other. |
Isobar | | Water falling from clouds. |
Conduction | | lines drawn on a weather map that connects areas with the same air pressure. |
Warm Front | | Earth's air, divided into five layers. |
Sky Cover | | Occurs when the temperature difference between cold air and warm air is large. |
Ozone Layer | | How full the sky is with clouds, ranging from 0/8 to 8/8. |
Cold Front | | The layer in the stratosphere that absorbs most of the Sun's harmful U.V. rays. |
Relative Humidity | | transfer of heat by the flow of material. |
Cumulus | | Process in which water vapor changes into a liquid. |
Water Cycle | | Responsible for fair, nice weather. |
Exosphere | | Responsible for stormy weather. |
Prevailing Westerlies | | A type of cloud that is puffy and often has a flat base. |
Stationary Front | | A layer of the Eartg's atmosphere that has high temperatures and has the ionosphere inside it. |
Cirrus | | A process in which water turns to water vapor. |
Stratosphere | | The measure of the average amount of motion of molecules. |
Ionosphere | | The amount of water vapor held in the air. |
Thermosphere | | The process where water moves constantly between the atmosphere and the hydrosphere. |
Cumulonimbus | | measure of the amount of moisture in the air compared to the amount it can hold. |
Dew Point | | This front remains in a particular place for several days. |
Radiation | | the temperature at which air is saturated and condensation forms. |
Stratus | | A layer of the atmosphere where space shuttles fly, beyond it is outer space. |
Low Pressure | | Winds that blow in the opposite direction of the trade winds. |
Evaporation | | A layer of electrically charged particles in the theremosphere. |