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The Weather and the Atmosphere

Gabby Potter

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Temperature Types of clouds at low altitudes in thin, even sheets.
Condensation the layer of the atmosphere above the troposhere.
High Pressure energy transferred by waves or rays.
Atmosphere A rain-bearing cotton ball-looking cloud.
Troposphere Types of clouds that appear fibrous and feathery.
Convection the layer in the atmosphere where humans live.
Precipitation Drawn on a weather map as a red line with red semicircles.
Humidity transfer of energy that occurs when molecules bump into each other.
Isobar Water falling from clouds.
Conduction lines drawn on a weather map that connects areas with the same air pressure.
Warm Front Earth's air, divided into five layers.
Sky Cover Occurs when the temperature difference between cold air and warm air is large.
Ozone Layer How full the sky is with clouds, ranging from 0/8 to 8/8.
Cold Front The layer in the stratosphere that absorbs most of the Sun's harmful U.V. rays.
Relative Humidity transfer of heat by the flow of material.
Cumulus Process in which water vapor changes into a liquid.
Water Cycle Responsible for fair, nice weather.
Exosphere Responsible for stormy weather.
Prevailing Westerlies A type of cloud that is puffy and often has a flat base.
Stationary Front A layer of the Eartg's atmosphere that has high temperatures and has the ionosphere inside it.
Cirrus A process in which water turns to water vapor.
Stratosphere The measure of the average amount of motion of molecules.
Ionosphere The amount of water vapor held in the air.
Thermosphere The process where water moves constantly between the atmosphere and the hydrosphere.
Cumulonimbus measure of the amount of moisture in the air compared to the amount it can hold.
Dew Point This front remains in a particular place for several days.
Radiation the temperature at which air is saturated and condensation forms.
Stratus A layer of the atmosphere where space shuttles fly, beyond it is outer space.
Low Pressure Winds that blow in the opposite direction of the trade winds.
Evaporation A layer of electrically charged particles in the theremosphere.

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