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Chapter 9-Volcanoes

Mrs. Weimer

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blockylava volcano made from alternating layers of lava and pyroclastic material
active a mountain that forms when molten rock is forced to the earth's surface
compositevolcano small, steeply sloped volcano that forms from moderately explosive volcanic eruptions
rift lava that is jagged
fissure when lava erupts from long cracks
AA magma that flows onto the earth's surface
magma large, gently sloped volcano that forms from moderately explosive eruptions
pahoehoe 2 things that magma is made out of
plateboundaries volcanoes that surround the pacific ocean
crater pebble like bits of magma that became solid before they hit the ground
volcano funnel shaped pit around the central vent of a volcano
caldera circular depression forming when a magma chamber empties and causes the ground above to sink
tiltmeter molten rock that stays in the earth's crust
ringoffire lava that oozes from a volcano
cinderconevolcano volcanos that are erupting at this time are called
silicaandwater most volcanic activity takes place along these
pyroclasticmaterial earthquakes are measured with this
hotspot lava that flows slowly forming a glassy surface with rounded wrinkles
lapilli deep crack that forms between tectonic plates as they seperate
seismograph an instrument attached to the surface of the volcano which detects changes in angle of slope
pillowlava consists of rock fragments created by explosive eruptions
lava place on the surface of the earth directly above the column of magma called a mantle plume
shieldvolcano forms when lava erupts underwater

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