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Earth Science Vocabulary

Theresa Rosa

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fossil the curved path around an object, the planets follow around the sun
sedimentary rock the condition of the atmosphere at a certain place and time
air pressure the process by which a liquid becomes a gas
atmosphere to mix very evenly and separate into particles
gravity a resource that can be used up coal, oil, and natural gas
moon the weight of the air; a cause of weather
dissolve caused by the revolution and the tilt of the Earth on its axis
renewable resource the third planet from the sun
fossil fuel a substance, such as coal, petroleum, or natural gas, formed over millions of years from the remains of organisms and used today as an energy source
axis a crackin the Earth where Earthquakes occur
erosion the careful use of natural resourses
evaporation the process of dropping sediment in a new location
weather silt, or soil, good for plant growth because it absorbs water
water cycle the carrying away of rock or soil by wind, water, or ice
rotation energy from the sun
sediment the thin layer of air between Earth's surface and space
Mercury a movement and shaking of the Eargh caused by shifting of the Earth's plates
conservation the imaginary line on which the Earth is tilted and rotates
solar energy the force that caused attraction between objects that have mass
Earth the remains or traces of past life found in sedimentary rock
tides the trip the Earth makes around the sun once every year
revolution any form of water that falls from the clouds to Earth
orbit a process that breaks down rocks
seasons the process by which water is renewed an dused over and over again on the Earth
recycle the change in a substance from a gas to a liquid
deposition a natural satelite of planets
fault the closest planet from the sun
nonrenewable resources rock that contains fossils
Earthquake the movement of the ocean caused by the gravitational pull of the moon
precipitation a resource that can be replaced in a short time
Condensation to reuse materials
weathering the turning of the Earth on its imaginary axis caused day and night

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