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Chapter 2: Weathering and Soil Formation

Mr. Power

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Climate Plowing along the slop of the land.
Erosion A thick mat of roots at the surface, hold soil in place and hold onto moisture.
Soilconservation Plant and leaf materials on the surface, also called the O-Horizon
Litter Organisms that break down the remains of dead organisms.
soil Soil composed of equal parts sand, silt and clay
Topsoil Plowing that disturbs the land as little as possible.
Mechanicalweathering A rock that has tiny connected air spaces
Acidrain Loose weathered material on Earth's surface.
Conservationplowing Movement of rack particles by wind, water or ice.
Subsoil Breaking down of rock by physical means, into smaller pieces.
permeable Wearing away of rock by the grinding of other rock particles
Chemicalweathering The original source of the soil.
abraison Soil found in the B-Horizon, composed with clay particles
Loam Soil found in the A-Horizon
Contourplowing The practice of protecting our soil resources
Humus Two factors that affect the rate of weathering are type of rock and _____________.
Parentmaterial Freezing of water that eventually cracks rocks.
Bedrock A section of the US that lost much of its top soil to wind erosion.
Icewedging Solid layer of rock beneath the soil
sod Breaking down of rock through chemical changes
DustBowl Decayed plant and animal remains.
Decomposer Caused by burning too much fossil fuels.

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