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Rocks Rock!

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partial melting Mineral growth glues sediment grains together into solid rock.
porphyritic The particle sizes become coarser and heavier toward the bottom layers.
extrusive Metamorphism caused by molten material coming in contact with solid rock.
evaporite The physical and chemical processes that transform sediments into rocks.
basaltic Rocks with a spongy appearance.
hydro Greek for water.
foliated Belts of metamorphism created by high temp and pressure affecting a large section of crust.
rock cycle Greek for heat.
hydrothermal Magma with 52% - 66% silica content.
graded bedding Greek for stone.
lithification Pieces of rock that are moved and deposited by water, wind, glaciers and gravity.
cross-bedding Texture with large well formed crystals surrounded by finer grained crystals.
fractional crystallization Rocks that are mostly quartz, feldspar and mica.
kimberlite Rocks with a low silica content that are mostly plagioclase and pyroxene.
granitic Some minerals in magma melt at low temps while other minerals remain solid.
Lithos The weight of overlying sediments forces the sediment grains closer together.
contact Magma with more than 66% silica content.
nonfoliated Veins of extremely large grained minerals.
mafic Crystal grains precipitated as water evaporates.
porosity When magma or lava cools and crystallizes on Earth's surface.
compaction Metamorphism caused by hot water reacting with rock and altering its chemical and physical composition.
petros A silicate mineral or rock that is rich in magnesium and iron.
Bowens reaction series Rocks are continually being changed above and below Earth's surface.
regional Greek for broken. Rocks formed from loose sediments.
andesitic As minerals form and their elements are removed from the magma, it becomes concentrated in silica.
cementation Percentage of open spaces between grains in a rock.
rhyolitic As magma cools and crystallizes, minerals form in predictable patterns.
pegmatite Greek for rock.
deposition Inclined layers of sediment are deposited across a horizontal surface.
clastic Veins found in S. Africa of peridotite. A good source for diamonds.
intrusive When magma cools and crystallizes below Earth's surface.
vesicular Transported sediments are deposited on the ground or sink to the bottom of a body of water.
thermal Metamorphic rocks composed of minerals with blocky shapes.
sediment Metamorphic rocks with layers and bands of minerals.

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