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Science 8 Midterm

Moving Crust


RichterScale type of rock formed by the slow accumulation of small fragments of rock
Extrusive vibrations spreading out from the earthquakes focus
Fossils a type of rock formed below the Earth’s surface when a rock is altered
Mould shell of rock around the surface
PrincipalofSuperposition hot molten rock found at great depths below the Earth’s surface
Beds people who study the Earth
Focus rock formed from magma that cooled and hardened below the surface
magma horizontal layers of rock caused by the slow accumulation of sediments
Mineral combination of two or more minerals in various protection
Crust Pure substance that cannot be broken down into other substances
Igneous the remains and traces of prehistoric organisms
Petrifiedfossil a rock that looks exactly like the original shell, bone or piece of wood
Epicenter rock formed by lava that cooling on the surface of the earth
Fold measures the magnitude of an earthquke
Intrusive Ten minerals ranked in order of hardness against when all minerals are compared
Seismograph type of fossil made when sediment slowly fills a mould
Mantle type of rock formed by the cooling of molten rock
Fault the break in the Earth’s crust along which rock moves
Metamorphic a visual record of earthquake vibrations
Sedimentary - an instrument for measuring earthquake vibrations
Vent the point underground where the energy is first released to cause an earthquake
SeismicWaves a cavity made by the imprint of an organism or its tracks
Rock An exact date that can be given in years
Relative Age The age of someone or something compared with the age of someone or something else
Seismogram bending and tilting of sedimentary rock layers
Element hot molten rock that flows onto the Earth’s surface
MOH’sHardnessScale A general rule that determines the relative age of sedimentary rock
Geologists the thickest layer of the Earth
Absolute Age - the opening in a volcano where the lava flows through
lava pure, naturally occurring solid material made up of a combination of 2 or more elements
Cast the point on the Earth’s surface above the focus, from which earthquakes originates

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