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Mrs. VH1

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till water enters rock, refreezes and expands and breaks off more rock
abrasion sediment ramp resulting from an ice sheet
cirque sediments deposited by glaciers
Greenland sharp pyramid-like peaks project above surroundings
basalslip example of an ice sheet
icesheets lowest elevation in an area that remains covered in snow
drumlin glacier acts like sandpaper
aretes snake-like ridges made of sand and gravel deposited by streams once flowing in tunnels under glaciers
accumulation glacial drift that is sorted by weight and size
valleyglaciers ice masses that slowly advance down valleys
glacialbudget thick ice mass that forms over a long period of time
stratifieddrift bowl shaped depression, surrounded on 3 sides by steep rock walls
glacial drift this is due to gravity, entire mass slides downhill
iceage period of time when much of Earth's land is covered in glaciers
glacialflow balance or lack or accumulation at upper end or wastage at lower end
outwashplains zone of the glacier which loses ice to melting
calving U-shaped valley
moraine a type of glacial flow in which the movement is within the ice
kettle large pieces of glaciers break off
wastage enormous ice masses that flow in all directions
plasticflow streamlined hills composed of till
erosion snaking, sharp -edged ridges
glacialtrough material deposited directly by a glacier as it melts
plucking zone at the head of the glacier
esker movement of glaciers
snowline small lakes within a depression
horn layers or ridges left when glaciers melt
glacier glaciers are a dynamic agent of this

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