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Life Support Systems

Sasha, Adam, and Denys

No description

Ozone depletion A pollutant found in refrigerators and aerosol cans
Walkerton Largest river in China
Soil degradation The removal of soil nutrients and the loss of topsoil rich in organic matter, caused by erosion
Salinization Town in Ontario where 2300 people got sick from drinking infected water
Chlorofluorocarbon Occurs when cold air is below and warm air is above, trapping pollution around a city
Irrigate A type of irrigation system, 95%
Biome Where the Oak Ridges Moraine is located (name the country)
Desalinization The different sections of the energy pyramid
Greenhouse Effect Type of air pollution resulting from the burning of fossil fuels
Transboundary 9900 joules per day, the minimum energy intake per person
Developing More than enough water
Temperature inversion Removal of salt from seawater
Aral The cause of increased amount of UV radiation reaching the Earth's surface
Acid Deposition Model that illustrates the flow of energy
Arable Countries that suffer the most from lack of water
Canada The type of salination that is often the combination of over-irrigation and drylands. Cities are often located on drylands, leaving the rich soils for agriculture. Irrigation is also now common in cities (gardens and recreation areas).
Trophic levels The maximum production of fish, grain and livestock.
Cassava The buildup of excess salts in soil, restricting amount of water and essential nutrient uptake by plants.
Drip Gases that include carbon oxide and carbon dioxide
Yellow Pollution caused by reactions between automobile exhaust and industrial emissions
Nitrogen oxides An irritating gas that forms just above the Earth's surface
Minimum Critical Diet The movement of pollutants from the U.S. to Canada
Ground Level Ozone A mixture of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide pollutants reach the Earth in the form of rain or solid particles
Global warming Also called manioc, a staple in much of Africa. Tapioca starch is made from this.
Urban The effect of mostly water vapour and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
Black Carbon pollution Water-saturated sand
Aquifer The predicted rise in average temperature in the 21st century
Yield threshold Land that can be used for growing crops
Smog A major regional group of plant/animal communities best adapted to the region's environment.
Surplus To "feed" with water
Energy pyramid Sea in Asia, where the worst water-related ecological disaster ever happened

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