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SDAI: Parts of Earth, Earthquakes

Mrs. Godwin

No description

OceanicRidgeSystem Light, outer skin of Earth.
Continental The part of the Earth that contains oxygen, carbon dioxide,
ElasticRebound Earthquakes originate or start from large fractures or cracks in the ground called _____.
Seismology The fault zone that separates the North American Plate from the Pacific Plate.
Seismograms Location within or IN Earth where an earthquake originates or starts. Energy is released in all directions.
Atmosphere The greatest earthquake energy release is along the outer edge of the Pacific Ocean called the ____.
SanAndreas A vibraton or movement in the Earth produced by a rapid or quick release of energy.
OuterCore The point on Earth's surface directly above the focus.
SWaves The part of the Earth that contains rock, soil,
Earthquake Earthquake waves that travel on Earth's surface (the outside of Earth).
Seismographs Another earthquake belt extends (travels) through the oceans called the ___.
PWaves The crust of the Earth is devided into two kinds, continental and ____.
Oceanic Solid, iron rich zone of Earth.
Mantle The part of the Earth that contains water.
SurfaceWaves Solid rocky layer of Earth.
Asthenosphere Records obtained from seismographs are called ____.
CircumPacificBelt The hot, weak zone in Earth's upper mantle is called the ____.
Focus The study of earthquake waves is called ____.
Hydrosphere Earthquake waves that travel through solids, liquids,
Lithosphere Molten or melted metallic layer of Earth.
Epicenter Rocks snapping back to their original shape after an earthquake.
Faults Earthquake waves that travel ONLY through solids. (SWave=Solids)
Crust Instruments that record seismic waves.
InnerCore The crust of the Earth is devided into two kinds, oceanic and ____.

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