elastic rebound | | The study of Earthquakes |
inner core | | A smaller Earthquake that follows the main earthquake |
secondary wave | | the boundary seperating the crust and the mantle |
Aftershock | | a more precise measure of the earthquake magnetude than the Richter scale |
body wave | | A break in a rock mass along which movement has occured |
mesoshere | | A subdivsion of the mantle situated below the lithosphere. This zone is dpths of 100km-700km |
Focus | | The thin ourtermost layer of Earth |
Earthquake | | displacement along a fault located on the ocean floor |
liquefaction | | records taken from a seismograph |
seismogram | | small Earthquake the often precede a major Earthquake |
moment agnitude | | a 12 point scale developed to evaluate earthquake intensity |
core | | A measure of the degree of earthquake shaking,based on the amount of damage |
shadow zone | | stable soil turns into a fluid that can not support building stuctures |
epicenter | | seismic waves that travel along earths outer layer |
outer core | | The sudden release of stored strain in rocks that results in movement along a fault |
modified mercalli intensity scale | | another name for the mesosphere |
seismology | | A seismic wave that travels through Earth's interior |
Crust | | Located beneath the mantle, Earth's innermost layer |
intensity | | The location on Earth's surface that that lies directly above the focus of an earthquake |
Asthenosphere | | The ridgid outer layer of Earth, including the crust and upper mantle |
mantle | | Vibration of Earth produced by the rapid release of energy |
foreshock | | A layer beneath the mantle about 2270km thick,and has the properties of a liquid |
surface wave | | slower moving surface wave |
seismic sea wave | | scale based on the motion of a seismograph |
fault | | The zone within the Earth where rock displacement produces ans earthquake |
Mohorovicic discontinuty | | a belt where p waves are absent |
magnetude | | The solid, innermost layer of earth |
lower mantle | | thick layer of Earth located below the crust |
primary wave | | the total amount of energy released during an earthquake |
seismograph | | Slow, gradual displacement along a fault that occurs relatively smoothly |
fault creep | | the part of the mantle that extends from the core mantle boundary to a depth of 660km |
Richter scale | | instuments that record earthquake waves |
lithosphere | | the fastest earthquake wave |