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Coral Reef crossword

Khrishma Mandalia

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lobsters Coral reefs are lcoated near this, in ttopical oceans
sea turtle Joy liquid soap is used to bring this to the ocean surface
seafood What happens when polyps get stessed
Endemic Coral reef growth is highly dependent on this cycling between humans and animals
plankton A reptile that dates back to the age of the dinosaurs
Pressure Fish and animals that can only be found on and around Turks and Caicos
bleaching An intudstry that has local and internationally benefitted from coral reefs
Grace Bay Some corals with no animals or plants are called?
rainforest The clownfish is always found with one of these by its side
animal Where are they planning a artifical coral reef?
breathing Coral polyps eat these
dead Coral use these to paralyse and catch its prey
sea anemone Recreationally, growth in sports fishing, scuba diving and boating has increased this on the ecosystem
humans Coral reef is thought to be this on land
nutrient The_______ condtions for coral growth are: clear, shallow water above 20c and below 35c
brian coral I am an invertebrate (no spinal column or internal bones), but look like the human computer
noctural Who are the only non natural organims found in coral reefs?
tentacles The gills in fish are used for the this.
coastal protection A adult parrotfish can produce as much as a tonne of this a year
sand Corals share a special relationship with these, provides them with color
algae A major benefit gained from coral reefs
barracuda A predator reef fish is called?
Optimal Parrot fish, sea urchins, and small invertebrates, such as polychaetes, are all important reef what?
Equator What is a coral?
Herbivores An animal active at night is called?

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