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How Do I Input Data and Output and Save Information?

Robert Olszewski

Input, output, and storage devices.

CD-ROM Enables the computer to give you the results of the processed data.
DOT PITCH Can store up to 680 MB. (Compact Disk Read-Only Memory)
MODIFIER KEYS Trasmit one bit at a time. A mouse,keyboard, and modem are connected in serial ports. Like a Narrow one-lane Road.
VIRUS Perform a specialized function. Ex. Esc, PRINT SCRN, NUM LOCK
SERIAL PORTS (Digital Versatile Disk). Size of a regular CD and can be played on a TV.
DVD House disks that are capable of soring tremendous amounts of storage.
PHOTO CD Same thing as Jaz Drives.
RESOLUTION Flat drawing Surface on Which the user can draw figures or write something freehand.
PRINTHEAD Used to store digitized photographic images on a CD. The photos stored on these disks can be uploaded into the computer and used in other documents.
VOICE RECOGNITION Located on the top of the keyboard. Used to Give the Computer Commands.The function of each key varies with each software program.
FUNCTION KEYS Mechanism that actually does the printing.
WORM DISKS Electromagnetic read/write head which stores or retrieves data in circles. The number of these varies with the type of disk.
JAZ DRIVES Pointing device that works like a mouse turned upside down.
FILE ALLOCATION TABLE Transmit data eight bits at a time.
OUTPUT DEVICES Has pictures of shapes. You use your fingers to "Point" to the desired object to make a selection.
TRACKBALL software program capable of reproducing itself and usually capable of causing great harm to files or other programs on the same computer.
TOUCH DISPLAY SCREEN Enable you to input data and commands into the Computer
PARALLEL PORTS Use laser technology to read and write data on silver platters.
MAGNETIC TAPE DRIVES Measures the distance between pixels.
INPUT DEVICES Form characters without striking the paper. EX. Laser printers and ink-jet.
ZIP DRIVES Device used to "Speak" Commands into the computer and to enter text. Requires the use of a Microphone.
GRAPHIC TABLET Additional keys, Used in conjunction with other keys. Shift,Ctrl,Alt
TRACKS Organized system of reporting information
SPECIAL-PURPOSE KEYS Used for making backup copies of large volumes of data. The tape can be used to replace data that may have been lost on the hard drive.
NON-IMPACT PRINTERS A tract is labeled and the location is kept on this special log on the disk.
OPTICAL STORAGE DEVICES Optical disk storage devices that use laser beams and optical technology. Usually used for permanently storing large volumes of data.
SCREEN SIZE Diagonal Measurement in inches from one corner of the screen to the other.
MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS (MIS) Number of Pixels or dots that a monitor can display.

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