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Government and Economics Review

Miss Derbin

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supreme court The act of controlling or directing according to rule, principle, or law
resources A perspective, preferance, or inclination that inhibits impartial judgement
law Goods sold to other countries
disarmament An underlying base or structure for an organization or system
interest A person's or group's level of material well being, as measured by education, housing, health care, and nutrition
checks and balances The head of the judicial branch
amendments Anything used as a medium of exchange
capitalism Taxes imposed on imported goods
judicial A policy of stronger countries taking economic, political, and social control over weaker countries
traditional economy A society in which people make a living from farming
agrarian society Laws passed by federal and state governments to prevent new monopolies and break up existing ones
migration Changes or additions to a constitution or law
executive People that organize to impact public policy for a business or group
veto The movement of large groups of people from one country or region to another
constitution An economy in which government minimizes its interference in business
recession An economy in which decisions on production and consumption are based on customs, beliefs, rituals
tariffs A policy that involves changing the rate of growth of the supply of money in circulation in order to affect the cost and availability of credit
dictator The job of this branch of the government is to interpret the laws
laissez faire The interconnections of the market that go beyond national boundries
reparations A downturn in the economy; not as severe as a depression
bias A body of fundamental laws establishing the principles, structures, and processes of a government
president A situation in which people have the same privileges, status, or rights
democracy If the president signs a bill, it becomes this
monetary policy The head of the executive branch
antitrust legislation Payment for war damages
money The percentage of a loan that must be repaid in addition to paying the principal
depression The job of this branch of the government is to write new laws
equality A leader of a country who has absolute power and authority
imperialism A period of economic slowdown in which there is high unemployment, business failures, etc
infrastructure The movement of people to one region or country to a different region or country
exports The job of this branch of the government is to enforce laws
standard of living The purchase of goods or services in the present with the promise to pay for them in the future
global economy This system is to keep one branch of the government from overpowering another branch
immigration GDP;
monarchy The executive branch can do this to a bill passed by congress
legislative A system of government headed by royalty, whose position is usually inherited
credit An economy that combines features of more than one of the traditional, command and market systems
regulation These can be used to make goods or provide services; they can be natural, human or capital
special interest groups A system of government which political control is exercised by all the people, either by direct election or election of representatives
mixed economy The reduction of armed troops and weapons
Gross Domestic Product An economy in which private individuals own the means of production

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