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Government Quiz

Mrs. Demers

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three 4. This branch of government makes the laws for the country, decides how much money to spend. It is also known as Congress. ______
Representatives This is part of the judicial branch. People on this court decide whether laws follow the constitution
WhiteHouse What the president says when he says NO to a law
constitution The head of this branch is elected for 4 years. This person is the leader of our country,carries out the laws, meets with leaders from other countries, and leads the military
onehundred 2 of these members of Congress are elected from each state
representativedemocracy Number of Branches of Government
President The head leader of a state
senators Members of Congress elected by the citizens of the US. The number of these is based on the population of a state
supremecourt Is elected every 4 years.
nine Part of the Legislative branch. It has the Senate and the House of Representatives
government the laws and people that run a city, state, or country.
executivebranch the total number of Senators in the Congress
judicialbranch 3. The power to rule in our government comes from its citizens, or people. This makes our government a
Veto the place where Congress makes the laws
capitol The number of judges in the Supreme Court
legislativebranch This branch holds the highest court in our country. These 9 people are judges who make sure that the laws follow our constitution.
congress a plan for our government that was created in 1787. It tells how our government is set up. It outlines the MOST important laws
governor The place where the President lives

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