DirectElection | | Individuals who actually vote for the President |
Three | | Who attends the Inauguration |
InuaguralAddress | | Name given to Electors who do not vote as sent |
Monday | | Where Electoral College votes |
Three | | Which Amendment changed the Electoral College |
Two | | Inauguration time |
Senate | | If tie - Votes for the President |
Oath | | Number of Winner takes all States |
Tuesday | | Must say to become President |
ThirdParty | | Number of Electors from Washington DC |
Four | | Name given to the Presidential winner in November |
ArticleII | | To do away with the Electoral College |
Electors | | Number of Electoral votes to win the Presidency |
TwentySix | | Name of who actually votes for the President |
December | | Number of California Electors |
House | | Who nevers actually votes for the President |
People | | Inauguration Day |
Public | | Candidates outside of the two party system |
ElectoralCollege | | Day of Federal Elections |
Unfaithful | | Number of members in the Electoral College |
One | | Where in Constitution, Electoral College is found |
PresidentElect | | First speech by the new President |
BlueStates | | Number of Presidents who lost the popular vote |
SixJanuary | | Joint session where Electoral College votes are counted |
Noon | | Democrats |
FiftyFive | | If tie - Votes for the Vice President |
TwoHundredSeventy | | Month the Electoral College votes |
StateCapitols | | The least number of Electors from any State |
TwelveAmendment | | Republicans |
Mail | | Number of votes per State if election goes to the House |
RedStates | | Day of counting Electoral College votes |
Congress | | Actual day of Electoral Vote |
TwentyJanuary | | Process of sending Electoral votes to Congress |
FiveHundredThirtyEight | | Number of House votes to become President |