TransportationPolicy | | even numbered highways run this way |
NoChildLeftBehind | | the New Deal is an important piece of domestic policy because it created the modern one of these |
Independent | | took over the Civil Works Administration as the major federal relief agency in 1935 |
MorrillAct | | created in 1862 by law to show farmers how to modernize their practices and equipment |
EnergyPolicy | | alternative energy that uses the heat from the Earth as energy |
Subsidies | | law that guarantees workers have a protected right to unionize |
HigherEducation | | George W. Bush's Education Policy dealing with accountability for school districts and teachers |
SocialSecurity | | dropping tariffs on imported items to encourage trade between countries |
HydrogenFuelCells | | the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 set the first one of these at 40 cents an hour |
UnionShop | | businesses that require workers to join a union soon after getting hired |
EastWest | | can include direct payments of government money, tax incentives, free government services, and government loans |
WelfareState | | This is a "safety net" for the elderly that began with the New Deal as a temporary program�unfortunately, too many people rely solely on this for income today |
GlobalWarming | | colleges and universities that are privately owned, typically expensive, and most likely to offer nearly every student a scholarship |
Biodiesel | | regulates and promotes research in developing alternative energy sources as well as incentivizes their use |
FreeTrade | | alternative energy created from used oil from Chinese and fast food restaurants; smells like popcorn when it burns |
USDepartmentofAgriculture | | basis for Al Gore's documentary An Inconvenient Truth |
DepartmentofCommerce | | large "grid" used for driving across the country |
SchoolFunding | | universities that are partially funded by the state, but also have some private aspects |
MinimumWage | | Started in 1913 to provide information and services to businesses |
WagnerAct | | law in 1862 created land grant universities |
StateRelated | | Biggest problem in education; ends up being unfair to at least one group of people |
BasicEducation | | area of education policy dealing with K-12 |
InterstateHighwaySystem | | policy dealing with cars, roads, bridges, mass transit, licensing, and other vehicular matters |
WorksProgressAdminstration | | area of education policy dealing with what happens after high school graduation |
Geothermal | | alternative energy that works like a battery--it can be recharged and replaced |