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Chinese New Year

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ox A lion does this in the parade
candy What most kids spend their lucky money on
spring Mythical animal which brings the spring rains
dumplings The color of New Year decorations
dragon The whole family wears new ones on Chinese New Year
midnight What you do to your house to get ready for New Year
clean Light this to scare away evil spirits
family Children receive red ones full of money
dance 2009 is this animal's year
firecracker Stay up at least this late to see the New Year
clothes New Year is the start of this season
orange Number of animals in the Chinese zodiac
happy Always eat this on New Year, because it sounds like "luck"
twelve Sweet fruit eaten on New Year
luck Chinese eat these at midnight on New Year's Eve
envelopes What people wish others on New Year
fish Everyone visits them on New Year
red How people feel on Chinese New Year

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