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Water Water Everywhere Reading x-word

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potablewater The magnetic properties of water then to make it stick together. This gives water a high level of _________ __________
seventyone Water extinguishes fire by removing heat through ______
gas nonpotable water is ____ ____ for drinking.
Transparent Clouds are what state of matter
evapotranspiration By removing water, you can make proteins, carbohydrates, triglycerides. These are all types of ______________
solid When different things dissolve intowater you can change how it ______ and how it _______. Think Consumption
Matter Majority of water on Earth is in the form of ________ .
liquid Water appears on the plant in all three states of _______.
EuropaEnceladus The water cycle includes precipatation, runoff, ground water, and this.
hydrologic Water condenses into ____________ in the galaxy. Eventually form stars, nebulas, and galaxies.
blue Name of the process that makes water by burning carbohydrates to make energy.
oneoxygentwohydrogens Water is _________ . Adhesion
macrmolecules Water covers ____% of the Earth's Surface
Liquid What is scarce: amount of water or potable water
Polar Humans prefer cold water to lukewarm because it contains less
Salt 70% of fresh water is consumed by what?
density What happens to strong UV light when it hits water?
surfacetension 1 cc (cubic centimeter = milliliter) of water is the standard mass of a single ______
electropositive Another name for the watercycle
Boilingpoint Water in liquid and ice form tend to have a slight ______ hue
capillaryaction Water moved up the paper towel in the lab because of surface tension. Movement is sometimes called _______ ________.
sticky What is the strip of land that is covered during high tide and uncovered during low tide called?
tastessmells If you burn hydrogen, you get what as the end product?
greenhouseeffect water molecules are ________ which means it is magnetic.
respiration Water vapor and Carbon Dioxide provide a temperature buffer AKA ________ _______, that prevents temperature extremes.
microbes juice is what state of matter
dissolved _______ water is the type of water present in over 90% of the world
water rock or ice is what state of matter
photosynthesis What property of water allows plants to ground completely underwater?
Absorbed The name of the process that uses sunlight to split water to make sugar.
evaporation For a metal to cause an explosion by interacting with water it must be ________ . Makes hydroxides
notsafe Evidence suggests that jupiter's moon ______ and saturn's moon _____ have liquid water under the surface.
gram Water is made up of what?
agriculture 212 degrees F is the ________ ________ of water at sea level.
interstellarclouds At around 4 degrees celsius water is at its maximum ______ . The reason why ice floats.
intertidalzone All major cell components can be __________ in water.

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