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Chem Practice Test

Gina M Carfagno


ether cathode is the ? end
solarcells These semiconductors result in a negative charge because there is an extra electron; occurs when the element doped with the element is on the right of that element
electricity In this kind of reaction used in the formation of polymers, a water molecule is removed to form another bond with carbon to link the chain and elongate it
electrolyticcell With regard to nuclear fission is it still true that matter (mass) is always conserved in a chemical reaction? Why or why not? Hint: there is an equation on this test you may use to support your answer).
electrons What functional group is R-O=C-R'?
cathode Two versions of uranium that are commonly used in nuclear reactors are U-235 and U-238. There is clearly some difference between these two forms of uranium. This difference may be described as U-235 has three neutrons less than U-238, they are ?
alcohol This molecule has carbon ring structures that are linked (2 of them)
alphabetagamma The species that has an atomic weight of 0 and above a charge of -1 for one electron
oxidation The Einstein equation E = mc2 relates mass to energy. The term ? is the speed of light, which is 3x10^8 m/s
ester You may or may not be familiar with a vegetable oil named Crisco. The manufacturers of this oil also sell a solid version of this oil to be used as margarine. What process was used to convert the oil to a fat (solid)?
isotopes The ? in a galvanic cell is the site where oxidation takes place
ester In a ? reaction, the electrons are on the right-hand side, and the oxidation number increases
saturatedfat This molecule has no double bonds
galvaniccell Enriched uranium is used in nuclear reactors. Which one of the following statements is true concerning enriched uranium? Enriched uranium contains ? % U-235?
alphaparticle The ? in a galvanic cell is the site where reduction takes place
oxidation What functional group is R-O=C-OH?
electrochemicalcell This molecule has double bonds
fuelcell What type of cell is fueled by hydrogen gas?
seriesofgalvaniccells What type of cell has a PEM?
enzymes water that can conduct electricity
negative These are enriched uranium sources
fuelrods Mono and dissaccharides are...
chainreaction These semiconductors result in positive charge because there is a missing electron, and the element is doped with an element on the left-hand side of that given element
reduction Converts energy in chemical reaction in spontaneous chemical reaction into electrical energy
carbonyl Nuclear reactions differ from "ordinary" reactions in several ways. One difference between them is a significant amount of _____ is converted into energy
reduction This molecule has an NH2 molecule in its chain
semiconductor What functional group is R-NH2?
ninetyfive Electrical energy is converted to chemical energy in this type of cell
mass Complex carbohydrates are called...
carboxylicacid This equation is a ? reaction? 2H 2e- --? H2
ntype This is a pain reliever
hydrogenation What is the main practical disadvantage to using a fuel cell in an automobile?
betaparticle The species that is the same as a helium nucleus with atomic number 2 and mass number 4
five The usual name for this common polymer is poly(ethylene terephthalate). The functional group that forms this linkage and is circled (O-C=O)
amine When uranium-235 is bombarded by a neutron, the following reaction occurs 1n0 235U92 --> 141Ba56 92Kr36 31n0. You will notice that for each atom of uranium that is bombarded by one neutron three neutrons are produced. Why is this important in terms of nuclear reactors? What is it?
gammabetaalpha ? is defined as a reaction involving the splitting of a larger nucleus into smaller ones with the release of energy
nickelcadmium This question is a ? reaction : Fe --> Fe2 2e-
nuclearfission The element Ge (germanium) may be classified as a ?
disaccharides This type of battery is rechargeable
c The penetration ability of the alpha and beta particles and the gamma rays in increasing order is
electrolyte What functional group is R-O=C-O-R1?
fuelcell This is a fever reducer
saturated The following statement regarding photovoltaic cells is correct: ? are similar to photovoltaic cells
keytone Flow of electrons
antipyretic Enriched uranium is used in nuclear reactors. Which one of the following statements is true concerning enriched uranium? Enriched uranium contains about ? % U-238?
elimination Control reaction to contain reaction and neutrons; good at absorbing neutrons
unsaturatedfat These are proteins that act as biochemical catalysts that are used to increase the rates of chemical reactions
oneoverathousand ? fats are solids at room temperature
simplesugars The fraction of mass that is converted to energy in a nuclear reaction is approximately
energy What functional group is R-O=C-R'?
polysaccharides What functional group is R-OH?
aminoacid Which one of the following is the odd one out? Galvanic cell, electrochemical cell, voltaic cell, or battery?
anode What is considered to be a true battery?
analgesic Anode is the ? end
unsaturated The function of the PEM in a fuel cell is to allow H ions to pass through, but prevent ? from passing through
ptype ? fats are oils at room temperature
recharging In a ? reaction, the electrons are on the left-hand side, and the oxidation number decreases
criticalmass The amount of fissionable material required to sustain the reaction
controlrods What functional group is R-O-R'?
positive The penetration ability of the alpha and beta particles and the gamma rays in decreasing order is

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