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Chemistry Terms Review

PHHS - Mr. Macasaet

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valence Type of reaction where carbon dioxide and water are produced.
carbonyl Mixtures that are homogeneous.
period The element that has the smallest atomic size.
metalloids The only element having no neutrons.
balancing The process of changing coefficients in a chemical reaction.
solutions Process where molecules on the surface of a liquid are bumped out into the gasoues state.
helium Smallest unit of a compound.
protons The mass of one mole of a compound is its _____ mass.
acids A solution having a high amount of the solute.
fusion _____ chemistry deals with carbon-containing compounds.
combustion Unit of temperature used for gas law computations.
diffusion Reaction _____ are steps that chemical reactions follow.
pressure The scientist credited with the discovery of the nucleus.
covalent Elements that border the zigzag line on the periodic table.
kelvin Process that Carbon undergoes so that it can form 4 covalent bonds.
saturated What happens when a container of gas is opened.
formula Credited with the discovery of charges in an atom.
neutralization Elements having the same atomic number but different atomic masses.
hydrogen Substituted hydrocarbons containing the hydroxyl group.
concentrated Solution concentration given in moles solute per liter of solution.
molarity Electrons in the outermost energy level are called _____ electrons.
Thomson Proton donors.
mechanisms The group of elements needing only one electron to be stable.
evaporation Elements in the d-block are also called _____ metals.
alpha The atomic number indicates the number of _____.
Rutherford Showed the realtion between number of molecules and volumeat constant temperature and pressure.
solute Reaction that happens in the sun.
transition The dense center of an atom
nucleus Occurs when acids and bases react with each other.
halogens The horizontal row on the periodic table.
group Bond that exists between two non metals.
molecule A helium nucleusis also referred to as a/an _____ particle.
Avogadro The substance that dissolves in a solution.
organic Result of gas molecules hitting the walls of a container.
isotope The vertical column on the periodic table.
alcohols Solution where no amount of solute can further dissolve.
hybridization Functional group found in aldehydes.

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