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Chapter Two Key Terms

J. Arnett

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Rutherford An explanation based on many tests.
Ultraviolet Last name of scientist who discovered the nucleus.
Infrared Type of electrons in the outermost energy level of an atom.
electroncloud Last name of chemisty who gave us the law of conservation of matter.
proton Regions of space in which electrons can move about the nucleus.
radiowaves The space around the nucleus of an atom where electrons are found.
valence Type of waves that cause sunburn.
lewisdotstructure A fact of nature that is observed so often it is accepted as truth.
Visiblelight Type of wave energy given off by the human body and other warm objects.
neutron Neutral particle found in the nucleus of an atom.
proust Type of waves that travel at the speed of light through space.
gammarays Greek philosopher who first coined the idea of the atom.
Democritus A testable prediction to explain an observation.
hypothesis Last name of scientists who discovered electrons.
nucleus Type of waves that pass through soft body tissues but stopped by bones.
Lavoisier Number of protons in an atom's nucleus.
Xrays The sum of protons and neutrons in an atom.
mass number Forms of the same element with different numbers of neutrons.
atomic number The four basic elements of matter according to the ancient Greeks [no spaces between words].
scientificlaw A way of illustrating valence electrons.
theory Positively charged subatomic particle.
isotopes Small, dense, positively charged central core of an atom.
energylevels Type of waves with highest frequency and shortest wavelength.
energy Waves transfer ____?
Thomson Part of the spectrum our eyes are sensitive to.
airearthfirewater Waves with the lowest frequencies of the spectrum.
electromagnetic Last name of chemisty who gave us the law of definite proportions.

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