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The Periodic Table of the Elements

D Wright - Physical Science

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atomic radii These elements have characteristics of metals and nonmetals.
electron Superman might avoid this one.
properties The most reactive metal.
rare earth Uranium is an example of a ________ ________ element.
calcium The symbol for this element is Sn.
aluminum As you move from left to right across the periodic table the _______________ energy of the atom will increase.
atomic number Has 19 protons
proton Differences in reactivity among the akaline earth metals are shown by ways they react with water.
gold Family with a member which is important for resipration and another for producing compounds which are real stinky.
Democritus Most elements are some type of __________.
periodic This number tells you how many protons are in one atom of an element.
compact This family contains the element upon which all life on Earth is based.
carbon The most reactive nonmetal.
Demitri Mendeleev Most nonmetals are either a solid or ________ at room temperature.
nitrogen This element has the same number of valence electrons as magnesium and beryllium.
oxygen The symbol for this element is Na.
carbon Means "a repeatable pattern".
potassium Subatomic particle with a positive charge
mendelevium Element with an atomic mass of 12.011
neon Which is the more reactive metal, rubidium or magnesium?
bromine The electrons in the outer energy level of an atom.
sulfur The horizontal rows are referred to as ____________ .
tin Las Vegas uses this innert gas a lot to make brightly lit signs.
arsenic How many periods does the periodic table have?
iron As you move from left to right across the periodic table the _______ ______ gets smaller.
rubidium The most abundant element in the Earth's crust.
metalloids This metalloid is important to the electronics industry.
nitrogen Most people put great value in this transition metal.
outer How many metalloids are listed on the periodic table?
ionization Subatomic particle with a negative charge.
group Group 17 or 7A are called the __________.
metal Does selenium have more in common with sulfur or bromine?
carbon Atoms that have the same number of protons but different number of neutrons.
oxygen Group 1 or 1A are called the __________ metals.
lithium The most abuntant metal in the Earth's crust.
isotopes The columns are referred to as ____________ .
seven This nonmetal is the most common element in the Earth's atmosphere.
alkali Group 2 or 2A are called the _______________ metals.
fluorine The ancient Greek who first proposed the existance of atoms.
sodium Used with carbon to make steel.
neutron Nobel gases have a full __________ energy level.
water The only nonmetal which is a liquid at room temperature.
valence Elements in the same group have similar _______________ .
halogens Copper is an example of a ____________ metal.
noble gases The only metal that is a liquid at room temperature.
periods These elements have 7 valence electrons.
halogens Subatomic partile with a neutral charge
krypton Except for water most of the compounds in your body contain this element.
gas Oderless, colorless and nonreactive.
solid This family contains two elements often found in plant fertilizers.
groups Used in the rechargeble batteries.
hydrogen The element with the the smallest atom, yet the most abundant element in the universe.
nickle Five cents.
transition The rare earth elements are placed below the periodic table to make the table more _________.
seven On the periodic table elements are arranged by increasing atomic ____________.
mercury Atoms in the same ________ have the same number of valence electrons.
number Almost all metals are ________ at room temperature.
alkaline First to invent a usable periodic table of the elements.
francium This metalloid has been used in poisons and insecticides.
silicon Named after the creator of the periodic table.

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