Low level waste | | A common type of light water reactor (LWR), where water is allowed to boil in the core thus generating steam directly in the reactor vessel. (cf PWR) |
Decommissioning | | The most common type of light water reactor (LWR), it uses water at very high pressure in a primary circuit and steam is formed in a secondary circuit. |
Disintegration | | Ammonium diuranate, the penultimate uranium compound in U3O8 production, but the form in which mine product was sold until about 1970. See also Uranium oxide concentrate. |
Criticality | | A radioactive isotope of an element. |
Fast breeder reactor | | Chemical treatment of used reactor fuel to separate uranium and plutonium and possibly transuranic elements from the small quantity of fission product wastes, leaving a much reduced quantity of high-level waste (which today includes the transuarnic elements). |
Spent fuel | | Structured collection of fuel rods or elements, the unit of fuel in a reactor. |
Thermal reactor | | A fast neutron reactor (qv) configured to produce more fissile material than it consumes, using fertile material such as depleted uranium in a blanket around the core. |
Half-life | | Devices to absorb neutrons so that the chain reaction in a reactor core may be slowed or stopped by inserting them further, or accelerated by withdrawing them. |
Light water reactor | | A chemical substance that cannot be divided into simple substances by chemical means; atomic species with same number of protons. |
Yellowcake | | Removal of a facility (eg reactor) from service, also the subsequent actions of safe storage, dismantling and making the site available for unrestricted use. |
Heavy water reactor | | The splitting of a heavy nucleus into two, accompanied by the release of a relatively large amount of energy and usually one or more neutrons. It may be spontaneous but usually is due to a nucleus absorbing a neutron and thus becoming unstable. |
Element | | Used fuel assemblies removed from a reactor after several years use and treated as waste. |
Alpha particle | | The SI unit of absorbed radiation dose, one joule per kilogram of tissue. |
Burnup | | A reactor in which the fission chain reaction is sustained primarily by slow neutrons, and hence requiring a moderator. |
Fuel assembly | | The incorporation of high-level wastes into borosilicate glass, to make up about 14% of it by mass. It is designed to immobilise radionuclides in an insoluble matrix ready for disposal. |
Coolant | | A material such as light or heavy water or graphite used in a reactor to slow down fast neutrons by collision with lighter nuclei so as to expedite further fission. |
Radionuclide | | A reactor which uses heavy water as its moderator, eg Canadian CANDU (pressurised HWR or PHWR). |
Tailings | | natural change in the nucleus of a radioactive isotope as particles are emitted (usually with gamma rays), making it a different element. |
Fission | | The period required for half of the atoms of a particular radioactive isotope to decay and become an isotope of another element. |
Moderator | | The liquid or gas used to transfer heat from the reactor core to the steam generators or directly to the turbines. |
Milling | | Measure of thermal energy released by nuclear fuel relative to its mass, typically Gigawatt days per tonne (GWd/tU). |
Gray | | Ground rock remaining after particular ore minerals (e.g. uranium oxides) are extracted. |
Reprocessing | | A positively-charged particle from the nucleus of an atom, emitted during radioactive decay. Helium nuclei, with 2 protons and 2 neutrons. |
Control rods | | Condition of being able to sustain a nuclear chain reaction. |
Pressurised water reactor | | Process by which minerals are extracted from ore, usually at the mine site. |
In situ leaching | | The recovery by chemical leaching of minerals from porous orebodies without physical excavation. Also known as solution mining. |
Gamma rays | | is mildly radioactive material usually disposed of by incineration and burial. |
Boiling water reactor | | High energy electro-magnetic radiation from the atomic nucleus, virtually identical to X-rays. |
Vitrification | | A common nuclear reactor cooled and usually moderated by ordinary water. |